Chapter Nine

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Hello readers!! Okay, so yet again, I've been late with my upload but please try and bear with me!! I am moving houses and along with school that makes things pretty hectic!! Anyways, I hope you guys like it!! Read on...:)


Chapter 9:

Jace doesn’t hesitate to push right past me, walking into the living room. I quickly turn to follow him, wondering what the hell he thinks he’s doing. Brian stands up and starts to walk over, but as soon as he’s within reach, Jace shoves him up against the wall with a loud growl.

“Why are you here alone with my mate?!” Jace- or should I say Jace’s wolf- roars furiously.

I don’t give Brian a chance to answer him because now I’m equally as furious, “What are you my personal stalker?! He’s here because we’re throwing a surprise party for Ellie, you dimwit! And anyways, I play for the other team, you know that!”

Seriously? I can’t believe you’re still using that as an excuse when first of all it’s pretty much dead, and second, your ‘girlfriend’s’ mate is in the room, my wolf tells me. Why is she such a smart-ass all the time? Well… maybe she has a point but I’ll never admit it…

“No you don’t, and I don’t care what I look like to you, I won’t have my mate hooking up with some dog!” How he manages to completely overlook what I said about the party, I will never know.

“Whoa, Jace, we aren’t ‘hooking up’! Ellie’s my mate,” he glances my way as if to tell me not to comment on the fact that we don’t know that for sure yet, “and like Naila said, I’m just here for the party!” Jace drops him and Brian stumbles before regaining his balance.

“There goes your lesbian act,” he mumbles before heading out door.

Once Jace is gone, Brian looks at me, stunned at what just happened, but I keep my gaze on the floor. I’m afraid that the next motion I make will trigger the tears and then I won’t be able to stop crying. I just want to be able to start over. Maybe if I hadn’t run that first time I saw him, maybe if I had stayed there and talked to him, we would be happily together right now. Maybe he would be here with me right now and we wouldn’t be fighting. Maybe, I think, but I can’t think like that. What’s done is done, so I guess it’s done between Jace and me, and once I come to terms with that, then I’ll be happy.

“Naila…” He puts his hand on my arm. I feel like saying, ‘Don’t touch me, or else he might come back in here and kill you,’ but instead I just give him a half smile.

“I’m sorry about…all that,” I apologize. I don’t know what else to say.

“Don’t be… I get where he was coming from,” he mumbles the last part but I hear him anyways.

“Are you okay, though?” I ask.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. He’s pretty strong though, is he an Alpha? I heard he came here from a different pack.”

“Well, yeah, he isn’t from here but I'm pretty sure he isn’t an Alpha.”

“Hmm, could’ve fooled me…”

“I hate Alphas, anyways,” I let him know… I wish we could get away from this subject. I just want to forget about my mate problems for tonight.


I hear the doorbell and all can think is that whoever is at the door better not be an unwanted visitor. Once I answer it, though I see that it most definitely isn’t. In fact, they have the cake.

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