Chapter Two

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Hey guys! This chptr is a bit of a filler but bear with me:) Also be sure to check out my friend tryingtobeme. Her stuff is awesome, I dedicated this chapter to her:)


Chapter 2:

“Oh, hi Mom. Hi Dad. I didn’t realize you guys would be back by now!” My parents rush up and hug me.

“Oh sweetie, we missed you guys so much.  Scott just left, he said he had something important to do, but he picked us up from the airport,” my mom says in her usual upbeat manner.

“Oh, okay. But how was your vacation, guys? I want to know all about it! Dad, did you catch anything good this time?”

“No, honey, I didn’t have much time for fishing. Too much touring around with your mom.” He laughs.

       My family is very interesting. I don’t know my birth parents, neither does Scott. We were both adopted. My mother, Sandra Trung, is of Vietnamese descent but was born here in the States. My father, Andrew Jackson is of Jamaican descent but was born and raised in Trinidad until he was five years old and moved here with his parents and two brothers. My parents met on vacation in Australia (where they’ve just come back from right now) and were married two years after that trip. They decided to adopt Scott from a more local orphanage- that supports orphaned wolf children- when they found out they couldn’t have kids of their own. But my mom, being an only child, wanted at least one other baby, and was inspired to adopt me from an Indian orphanage for wolves when the three of them were visiting there when Scott was five. So there you have it, our insanely multi-cultural family. And somehow we’re all werewolves.

“You guys should go unpack and rest for a bit. I'm sure it’s been an exhausting flight.”

“Oh, you have no idea!” exclaims my mother.

“We’ll see you for dinner, N,” my dad says with a small smile.

“Unless we’re too jet-lagged!” My mom calls out as they head up the stairs and I head to my room in the basement.


It’s Friday today, and I’ve been avoiding Jace since Monday when he confronted me at school. We’ve talked a couple of times, but nothing long because I never stick around. He keeps trying to get me to accept him as my mate, I’m actually kind of flattered that he hasn’t given up yet, but he’s so damn stubborn, oh and did I mention that him and my brother are friends now? They love ganging up on me. My brother’s all like, ‘Naila, stop being a bitch, he’s your mate,’ at home and then at school I’m stuck with Jace whose all like, ‘I know you want me,’ or ‘Come on, please just give me a chance!” It’s getting stressful, but one thing I’m happy about is that my parents got home yesterday. It sucks though because they have to leave town again, this time for work and it could take anywhere from three to five months. It can be fun to have the house to myself, well, excluding my brother, but my parents are gone so often that I really just want to spend time with them. At least I get some one on one with my mom. We’re going shopping for some stuff now to prepare her for her trip. I can’t believe it but they’re leaving in four days. They aren’t happy either, but my parents say that this is an extremely important trip; otherwise they would never go like this.

“Naila!” my mom calls me from upstairs, “Are you coming?”

“Yeah, I'm just coming up!” I say walking up the stairs.

We get to the mall and it’s packed- with both humans and wolves. My mom and I end up buying me some clothes, which she says are her going away present for me.

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