Chapter Four

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Hello everyone!! So, here is chapter four:) I know I said I would be updating by the weekend, but I doubt I'll have the chance and I was finished early:) i think Wednesdays will be my new update-days!! Alright, so I hope you all like it please don't hesitate to tell me what you think!! 


Chapter 4:

I have decided to finally act on the idea that my mom gave me. I’ve been putting it off forever- I really don’t want to kiss a girl, even if she knows it’s all an act- but after what happened on with Jace this weekend I figure I need to get this done as soon as possible otherwise the act is totally up. It’s Monday now, only two days after the… incident with my persistent mate. Which makes this perfect timing.

I go over my plan in my head once again. I’ll tell Ellie at school about how we need to kiss in front of Jace, and then at lunch I meet up with him outside to tell him about how I’m so happy because Ellie and I are still together and she’s not mad at me. Then, as I’m talking to him Ellie comes up to us and I greet her… with a kiss! I know, I’m an evil genius. My plan is absolutely brilliant. And no, wolf, I'm not a complete moron. I have one hundred percent confidence that my plan will work, Jace will get it through his thick skull that I'm not interested and he will finally decide to move on and leave me behind him.


“Hey, Ellie!” I run up to her and tell her about my mom giving me the idea and what my new plan is.

“Wow Naila, finally you want to do something adventurous! But I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“What? Why not?” Shit, I totally thought she’d help me out on this one.

“I’m not willing to be the victim of a jealous male wolf. Doing this would be like… asking him to go fucking wolf and tear me to shreds with his razor-sharp claws!”

“That’s not going to happen. Really, all he’ll do is finally take a hint and back off. He won’t get mad, I'm sure of it.” This is going to work. It has to.

“Are you sure about that?” I nod my head. “Alright, I guess I’ll do it then…”


“Hey, Naila!” Jace says, walking up to me as he usually does at lunch break these days. It sucks that at my school they divide the lunch periods by grade. I mean, it used to be awesome to have most of my friends on lunch break with me, but now I always find myself trying to hide from my insanely persistent mate.

“Hi, Jace!” I smile back at him and he looks surprised.

“Not gonna run away from me again?”

“No, I’m in too good of a mood to bother,” I say.

“Oh, really? And what’s brought this on?” he asks, putting his school bag- which I don’t get why he keeps with him every lunch period- on the ground next to him.

“Well, I told Ellie about what happened on Friday and she completely forgave me. She says she understands and that she really wants to give me a second chance! You know, I couldn’t be happier if-” Ellie walks up at the perfect moment.

“Hey babe,” I say, and then swoop in so fast that Jace doesn’t have time to notice how my hand slips in between our mouths, so that we both end up just kissing my hand. It’s kind of gross, but I was not prepared to kiss my best friend and same goes for her. I can wash my hand later. I take it that the kiss looked pretty believable from where Jace was standing because after about a half a second I hear a growl and we separate as something flies- or rather jumps- over us. It’s Jace but in his wolf form, his dangerously sexy, huge, black wolf.  

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