Chapter 2

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20 minutes later..(At university)

Apo finally arrive at the University... All students look at him with a confused face.. And that's make Apo feel uncomfortable then walk away from them..Apo go into the building and suddenly.. Another young man come to Apo and say... Ermm.. Hello... Are you a new student here? Apo who just silent then reply.. Uhh.. Yes.. And who are you.. Ask Apo with confuse face... Then the young man reply... Oh im sorry.. I forget to introduce my self.. Hehe.. Im Build Jakapan Puttha.. But you can call me Build.. What's your name? Apo then reply.. Oh.. Im Apo Nattawin Wattanangitiphat.. But you can call me Apo for short... Nice to meet you Mr Build... Say Apo while shake hands with his new friend.. Build....Build then accept the hand shake and reply.. No need to be so formal ok.. Just call me Build... Ermm by the way.. Which class are you attending to? Im going to Biology class... Apo take out a schedule paper from his pocket and show it to Build... Build take the paper and check...then reply.. Oh yes.. We will attending a same class.. Come with me.. Let me show you the way... Im afraid this professor will eat us alive if we late.... Lets go! Say Build while grab Apo hand and run to the class... Soon as they arrive.. They notice a young teacher who already started teaching... Then that man say... Mr Build... You late again and... Suddenly the young teacher noticed theres a new student who is standing behind Build....Build step aside and push Apo to go near the young teacher.... Build then reply.. Sir Bible... May i sit down now.. Bible then reply... Yes you may... And you... Bible point to Apo... Apo suddenly started to feel nervous and talk in his heart... Is he an angel or something? Why he look so beautiful... His golden brown eyes really attract me... Bible stand near to Apo and suddenly about to vomit but try to calm himself and say.. Are you done starring at me... Go and sit beside Build! *say Bible while rise his tone and make Apo jump a little... Apo then walk to Build and sit beside him... Bible who is already start teaching.. Keep turning his head and look at Apo.. And that make Bible suddenly lose focus.... Bible then say in his heart... Focus Bible.. He is a human.. Not an animal... Damn.. I really need to drink a blood today... 1 hour later.... Bell rings and all students leave the class... Suddenly Bible call Apo... Hey.. New students... Come here for a minute.... Apo point to himself and reply... Is it me sir Bible... Bible then nod while look at him with sharp stare.... Apo who starts to feel nervous and afraid... Walk slowly to Bible and reply.. Yes sir Bible.. Did i do something wrong in today lesson? Bible shake his head and walk towards Apo slowly and Apo walk backwards slowly until his back hit the black board.... Bible slowly lean his face towards Apo face and ask... Whats your name human... Apo avoid an eye contac with Bible.. Then reply with slow voice... I.. Im.. A.. Apo s.. Sir B.. Bible... Bible look at Apo face while see Apo trembling in fear... Then reply... Good... Im Bible Wichapas Sumettikul... A Biology teacher... One more time.. If i see you going to punish you... Understand?! Apo turn his face and look at Bible beautiful golden brown eyes and bow his head and leave hurriedly..

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