Chapter 5

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Next morning....
Apo sit alone at the canteen and eat by himself and noticed.. Ta.. Perth.. And Bible is nowhere to be found... Apo start to remember everything that happened between him and Bible..Suddenly Build come to Apo and join him and say.. If you are looking for Sir Bible.. He is really isn't here this time... By the way Apo.... We will have a trip later... Lets go.. The bus are waiting for us... While walking to the bus... Apo suddenly see Bible again and decide to avoid him...then..Pong stand in front of Apo start to talk... Hey Apo.. I just wonder if you want to go to the prom with me.. Apo then realize then notice Bible already put a smirk on his face... Apo then continue.. Oh.. Prom... Dancing... Pong then reply.. Dancing... Yes.. Dancing.. Thats right... Apo then reply.. Oh.. I'm truly sorry.. But i can't.. I have another refundable ticket... Actually.. Im going to Huahin...i think you should ask Build... I think he might want to go with you... Apo then walk away while leaving Pong with a disappointment... Suddenly Bible join with the other students and Apo notice theres another guy with them... That man reply.. Hi Apo.. Im Us and this is my boyfriend.. Jj... Apo then smile and bow.. Yes.. I'm Apo.. Nice to know you guys... Say Apo and walk to the bus and get in... 20 minutes later... They arrive at the place... Zee start to play with the compose tea and Build play with a worm... Bible instruct them not to touch anything... Apo walk alone then suddenly Bible join him.. What are you doing in Huahin? Apo who feels shock try to avoid the question... Why should I answer yours.. Because you didn't answer my question either.. And you didn't even bother to say hi to me... Bible then try to calm him self start to speak nicely to Apo then reply.. Hello Apo... Apo then ask a same question again.. So... Want to tell me how the hell you stop the van... Bible walk with Apo then reply.. Well.. I have some of adrenaline rush.. Just search it on Google if you want to know more about it.... Apo then reply... Huahin people... That what's in Huahin.. And Apo suddenly almost fall but quickly got catch by Bible.. Bible then reply with annoying tone... Mind to at least watch where the hell are you walking?! Im sorry.. But i think it's better this way... Suddenly Build come and say.. Apo... Guess who ask me to go to the prom? And Bible leave both Apo and Build... Apo then reply.. No need to tell me.. I know its Pong.. You should go with him...A few hours pass the students are ready to go home.. Suddenly Us come to Apo and ask.. Hey.. You want to join us too... Bible then reply.. No need... Our bus is full then get into the bus... Apo take another bus...

15 minutes later...
Apo arrive at the restaurant and see his beloved uncle is already there waiting for him... Apo then noticed an older woman who look similar... Mrs Helen... Is it really you? Mrs Helen and her husband come to Apo and give him a warm hug.. Oh my God Apo.. You already grown up na... And more handsome now.. Say Mr Waylon.. Michael just laughs at them and start to order the food... Michael then see Job and Bas dancing infront of the restaurant... While Apo shake his head and continue eating... Michael then reply... I think you should go out with your friends Apo.. Since you already have them... Apo nod and reply... Yeah.. Sure.. They are such a great friend... Thanks for the concern by the way.. Say Apo.. After they done eating... They go home...

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