Chapter 14: Comfort

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On the way home from Caleb's, you and Sadie caught the same taxi since she didn't live too far from you. She rested her hand in the middle seat with her palm open and looked at you with a smile. You smiled back and looked down at her hand, placing yours in hers and interlocking your fingers. Her hand was tender and soft, you never wanted to let go. The taxi came to a stop in front of your house.
"Right, this is my stop"
You stated with a small smile on your face.
"Bye y/n"
Sadie said with a fading smile on her face. Just as you were about to shut the door, you had an idea.
"Hey Sadie?"
You asked.
"Do you wanna sleep round mine tonight?"
The smile that faded quickly appeared again on her face.
"I haven't got any clothes though"
"You can borrow mine"
Two smiles now lit the car up brightly. You closed your door and walked round to Sadie to help her out. You thanked the taxi and interlocked arms with Sadie as you walked towards the door of your house. Millie would be arriving soon after you as she stayed a little bit longer.

"Sorry it's a bit messy"
You apologised as you opened the door.
"Don't worry"
Sadie laughed. You both slipped off your shoes and hooked your coat up. After, You led the pair of you to your room. Posters of bands and old cds covered the walls.
"I love your room"
Sadie screamed. You sat down on your bed first and tapped your hand lightly next to you signalling for her to sit next to you. A small dip now sat in the middle of the bed from you and Sadie. It was around 10pm and you knew that she doesn't stay up late so she would be getting tired. You put your arm around her and caressed your thumb on her hip. Slowly, you felt the light pressure of Sadie's head against your shoulder. A feeling of comfort settled in as you knew she felt safe around you. You turned your head carefully, trying not to disturb her. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. You placed a kiss onto her fiery hair.

Later, you heard the muffled sound of Millie opening the front door and closing it behind her. You knew she was loud and you hoped she didn't burst into your room and disturb your girl. You hadn't warned Millie that Sadie was here. Soon after, the tapping of Millie's feet could be heard coming up the stairs. Please be quiet. Your bedroom door was shut so she knew you were home. She placed a light knock on your door.
"Come in"
You said as soft as possible. Thankfully Millie heard you and opened the door. As soon as she saw the pair of you, her head tilted and made an aw sound. Quickly, she pulled out her phone and took a quick pic of you. You gave her a death stare.
"Don't you dare send that to anyone"
You whispered firmly.
"Don't worry I won't"
Millie whispered back with an honest face. You knew she wasn't lying.
Millie smiled and carefully she backed out of the room and closed the door behind her. After she left, Sadie's head began to slip off your shoulder and down onto the side of your chest. You moved cautiously into a position where Sadie's head sat intently on your stomach.

You scrolled through instagram and played with the her hair for a while until eventually joining Sadie in sleep.

a/n - thoughts?
word count: 611 words

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