Chapter 15: The Planning

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The sound of birds chirping could be heard from the crack in your window. You felt a light pressure on your stomach from Sadie waking up. You opened your eyes slowly as they adjusted to the light. The redhead still laid on your stomach but she was now facing you. She didn't realise you had woken up, she was too busy admiring you. As your eyes were still adjusting to the light, a soft smile grew on your lips. Sadie quickly realised you were awake and the smile that was on your face, spread onto hers.
"Good morning"
You greeted her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Good morning love"
Sadie smiled back. Your stomach grew a thousand butterflies but you tried as hard as you could not to show it.

It wasn't too early in the morning, probably around 9:30ish. Sadie doesn't have work today as she has 3 days off. You two hadn't planned on anything, you didn't even plan on Sadie coming around last night and staying.
"What do you wanna do?"
Sadie softly spoke.
"I don't mind. You can choose"
You smiled back. When it comes to decisions, you aren't the person to go to because you are very indecisive. Pulling you away from your thoughts, Sadie spoke again.
"Well, I've got three days off. So we can stay the night somewhere?"
You smiled at thought of it. Just the two of you, no one to break the peace.
"That sounds great. What were you thinking? Camping? Hotel?"
You eventually replied.
"I was thinking a hotel. If that's something you would like to do?"
"Of course, ill book it now"
You smiled and picked up your phone. Sadie's head still led on your stomach, intently looking at you.

After a few minutes go by, you began to talk again.
"Right, it's booked. Double bed room, a bar and pool. Just twenty minutes away"
"Perfect. We better get packing"
Sadie replied and finally got out of bed. You followed behind and grabbed a suitcase the pair of you could both use. As Sadie didn't have any clothes with her, apart from what she wore yesterday, you packed some clothes of yours she picked out. Although Sadie was older, you were taller, so almost everything of yours on her would be slightly oversized. After spending sometime packing, the pair of you headed down the stairs and also letting Millie know that you were going away for the weekend. You offered Sadie to get a taxi, but she refused and demanded she drove. So you let her grant her wishes.

a/n - I've been writing this book with no plan, but I just had the best idea. So it's all planned now 🤭

word count: 460 words

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