Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lara P.O.V

I loved watching the sun rise. How just a simple ball of heat could light up the entire sky with different colours and then gradually become one single colour. I took deep breathes in and out while I jogged down the pavement back home. My hands and legs moved in a slow but steady rhythm while my ipod played one of my favourite songs, Immortal by Fall Out Boy. I looked up to the sky and watched for a minute how the clouds took different shapes and sizes. Sometimes the during my jogs I would create a story using the shapes that the clouds formed. My mother always told me that my imagination was one of the best things about me so I made sure to never let it go.

My house came into view so I slowed down my pace. I opened the white picket fence gate and walked on the stone path that my Aunt had made to make sure that no body steps on her precious lawn. I paused my music and walked up the stairs that led to my main door. From my pocket I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. I lived in a normal house. It had the ground floor and the top floor. On the outside the house it was painted a simple beige colour. The inside however looked a lot more alive and gave a nice warm feeling to all those who enter. When you enter there is a long corridor. On one side of the door is a wooden table which has a bowl where my Aunt and Uncle keep their keys next to the bowl is a vase that has flowers that my Aunt changes every week and on the placed next to the vase of flowers is a photo of My Aunt Joyce, Uncle Ben, Tyler and I. The entire floor of the house has a fluffy carpet so we have to remove our shoes before entering hence there is a shoe rack on the opposite side of the door. The corridor opens out into the lounge/T.V room. On the right side at the end of the corridor are steps that lead to the first floor and on the left is the kitchen. Upstairs are all the rooms. One room for my Uncle and Aunt, one room for Tyler, One room for me and two guest rooms and of course one separate bathroom that most of the time only guests use. It was no great house or anything but I loved it just the way it was.

It was only 5.50 by now so no one was awake. I quietly climbed up the stairs and walked into my room. I shut my door closed put my ipod on my study table and walked towards my closet. The weather was nice today so I decided on wearing my jean shorts and my Led Zepplin band T-shirt. I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth again and put on my clothes. I walked out of my bathroom and went to my table next to my bed and quickly combed my hair and put a high pony tail. And like I did every day I walked to my floor length mirror and looked at myself. Now let me get one thing straight, I'm not looking in the mirror to check my appearance. I don't care how I look as long as I am comfortable. So why do I look in the mirror? I look in the mirror to see if today I had any different emotion from yesterday. I stared hard at my reflection. All I saw was a 5'4 girl with dark brown wavy hair and dark brown eyes with a body that was fit. So basically I saw the same girl I see every day. Yet I just stayed there and stared.

I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I didn't realize that my Aunt Joyce had knocked and entered my room. "Sweetie its 6.30 you better come down stairs now and eat if you do not want to be late for school" she said in kind and loving tone. I turned around and gave her a small smile and said "Thanks Aunt Joyce!" As I was walking past her towards my door she grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. I had to crouch down a little since she was slightly shorter than me. She rubbed my back soothingly and mumbled 'good morning' to me. I let go of her and walked out of my room. As I walked downstairs I could hear Uncle Ben and Tyler arguing whether squidward was better than Sponge Bob or vice versa. Chuckling at Uncle Ben's immaturity I walked into the kitchen with a big smile on my face. As soon as Tyler spotted me he sprinted towards me and jumped on me giving me a bear hug. I carried him and hugged him back tightly. "Good morning kiddo!" I said to him. He pulled his head away from my shoulder so he could look at me. He grinned at me and screamed "GOOD MORNING LAWA!" I couldn't help but laugh at how he couldn't say my name properly and also because his two front teeth are missing. I ruffled his hair and then I set him down on the kitchen table stool next to his cereal bowl. I looked at Uncle Ben who was looking at the scene in front of him with kind and affectionate smile. I walked up to him a ruffled his blonde hair that had tinge of brown to it. He sent me a playful scowl to which I gave him an innocent smile. I poured myself some cereal and a glass of mixed fruit juice and sat on the stool opposite to Tyler.

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