Chapter 3

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Once you and Meliodas were a safe distance away from the cave to the demon realm, you dropped to your knees sobbing. Meliodas threw his arms around you, hugging you so tight it was a little hard to breathe. You could hardly believe you chose to leave Zel to go with Meli, and hoped Zeldris would have a change of hearts soon. Meliodas wiped the tears from your eyes with his thumbs and tucked your white hair behind your ears. "Lil, look at me," he demanded. You brought your hazel eyes up to his bright green ones. "I know I'm not Zel, but I'll always be here for you. I love you too, y'know?" he reminded you gently, and kissed your forehead softly. "I know Meli," you sniffed, "I just...he's my everything. I've been with you two most of my life and I've loved him for every single year I've known him. I'm going to be lost." Meliodas stood up and pulled you to your feet effortlessly, "I'll be there to help you find your way."

You and Meliodas made your way to where he was supposed to meet Elizabeth. When she saw you, she waved happily until she saw your tear stained face. "Lil, what's wrong?" she asked with such sincerity, you felt you could trust her with anything. You started to answer, "I-I ha-had," but Meliodas interrupts to answer for you, "Elizabeth, Lil and I were supposed to be married and be the next rulers of the demon realm, but she loves and has always loved my brother...He tried to stop her from leaving but she came with me instead." She looks at you with heartbroken eyes and gives you a hug, "Oh Lil, I'm so sorry. Meliodas and I want to try to stop this war. We'll do everything we can so you can see Zeldris again."

Once the Demon King was alerted that you and Meliodas had defected, Zeldris became the leader of the Ten Commandments and you and Meliodas were labeled traitors. Your heart broke even further when you heard the news of Zel's new position. Because you were traitors, it was the Ten Commandments job to take you both out in the process of trying to win the Holy War. "Meli, I can't fight against him...and I'm not going to let anyone from Stigma hurt him either," you admitted to Meliodas when he gave you the update. His face was blank but his eyes were sad, "I understand Lil, but if Stigma sees you defend him they won't hesitate to kill you." You nodded solemnly but you knew in your heart you'd still come to Zel's aid if he was in danger.

The day that you, Meliodas, and Elizabeth were dreading came. It was horrific, there were demons trapped in gigantic arks to attract the commandments. You had been told the plan was to seal the demon clan away with the Coffin of Eternal Darkness. In that instance, your mind and hearts were racing. Could you save Zeldris from being sealed away? You, Meliodas, and Elizabeth were distraught staring at the demons trapped in the arks, then suddenly they disappeared into nothingness. You had to find Zeldris, so you took off searching for his energy around the battlefield. "Lil! Where are you going?!" Meliodas yelled after you, but he already knew. Elizabeth took off the other way to try to get Ludociel to call off this mass genocide, and Meliodas wasn't sure who to go after. He weighed the options and decided you were more likely to act like an idiot and get yourself killed so he flew after you.

You found Zel trying to fight off two goddesses at once. He was worn out and struggling. You didn't have to think about it, your body just moved to aid him. The two goddesses formed spears of light to pierce him but before they could they disappeared. The goddesses were shocked, but Zel knew what happened, he was well aware of you Light God Slayer magic. "Thanks for that light magic guys, it was invigorating," you declared, landing in front of Zeldris in a defensive stance. Despite being a demon, because you wielded Light God Slayer magic, you could absorb light magic thus making your own attacks more powerful or replenishing what you used. Consequently, you were also immune to light magic, which is why the Demon King was so possessive of you.

"Aren't you Lilith, the demon who defected with Meliodas?" one of them asked you, the other followed up with, "Why are you defending this demon?!" You glanced back at Zel with a smile on your face, he was tired but you could see the happiness in his eyes. "What're you doing Lily? You're going to get yourself killed," he sighed.

True Love (Meliodas x OC/Reader x Zeldris)Where stories live. Discover now