A walk around Liyue Harbor (2)

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Aether and Xiao have been sitting on the bench for a while now waiting for the Almond tofu to be ready, the traveler explained to his companion that they will have to share a meal since the restaurant ran out of it quite soon today after all, many people around them have talked about how good it tasted. It contained strawberries with fewer amounts of sugar unlike the usual Almond tofu they sold, The blonde boy was unsure if the Adeptus would like something such as this.

"Do you want me to pay you back for this? I was the one who asked you to go on a walk with me, so it will only make sense if I do." Spoke Xiao feeling guilty that his companion paid for it.

"You carry money with you? Now that's a surprise." Teased Aether thinking the Yaksha was joking.

"Of course I do. I may not understand mortals and their ways of living, but I'm aware of currency being needed to purchase items, such as food." He said before taking the traveler's hand and putting some mora in it.

Aether took a look at the money in his hand with a very surprised look on his face. "No, no, no. No need to pay back, we're friends I don't need your mora." He handed it back to him while the Adeptus was giving him a confused look on his face. Before he had a chance to speak there was a voice calling out The Blonde Boy's famous nickname.

"Traveler! Your order is ready! Please come pick it up." Yelled Xiangling loud enough for both of them to hear.

Aether walked back and picked up the strawberry almond tofu which smelled amazing. It looked like the regular one but instead of it being white, it was a light pink color. It also had some whipped cream on the top.

"Thank you for the food, enjoy the rest of the day."

"Oh before you go!" Started the restaurant owner's daughter with a smug look on her face.

"This is a very famous dish among couples, they always specifically order one to eat together and bond with one another...so I was wondering-"

"Uh! This is just for a friend of mine."

"Mhm~ a friend right~" Xiangling laughed before moving on to serve more customers who were waiting in line.

Aether turned away from embarrassment without saying goodbye. He got back to Xiao trying to not act strange because of what his blue-haired friend has just said. It made him blush a little but he brushed it off as an embarrassment blush.

"Pink...almond tofu?" Questioned the Adeptus tilting his head.

"Apparently, it is some new kind of strawberry-flavoured tofu. I overheard Many people have said it tasted nice, so I thought you might like it."

"It looks tolerable." As someone who doesn't enjoy mortal food, the Adeptus thought this might end up not being as bad as everything else he has tried so far.

"Here, you try first, I'd like to see what you think of it!" Said Aether in a friendly tone offering him a spoon to eat with.

The Yaksha took the spoon and grabbed some of the strawberry almond tofu in it. He hesitated for a couple of seconds before shoving the spoon in his mouth.


"Is it good?"

"The texture is to my liking, surprisingly...the taste is very...unique" It seemed like he enjoyed it, the blonde boy smiled and took a bite himself.

His eyes lit up, it almost looked like his eyes turned into some sparkling stars that fell right from the sky.

"Woah, this is way better than I have imagined. I guess the rumors were true after all."

Neither of them have tasted something this good in a while, it was now obvious why the Wanmin Restaurant had ran out of this strawberry flavored almond tofu. Aether was even thinking about asking Xiangling for the recipe so he could cook it himself someday.


After they both finished the godly-tasting meal they decided to walk around the Harbor for some time.

They both started walking around Liyue looking for somewhere they can chill for a while. Xiao kept looking around with an amazed yet vigilant look on his face. He liked how much it had changed since the last time he stepped foot here but no matter where he went he had to stay on guard for whatever might happen. The Harbor was mostly a safe and calm place but you can never be too sure.

The Adeptus thought for a moment about somewhere he could take his companion, he wanted to take a walk with him in Liyue for quite some time now. The traveler had promised to come with the Adeptus to accompany him someday. Guess he really kept his word.

"I have an... idea, come with me."

Aether followed him for a long time until they arrived at the golden house near the end of the city. The place didn't seem any special in particular, the millelith used to mint mora at this specific house until Rex Lapis passed away, ever since then they stopped to honor their Archon who wasn't with them anymore. It seemed very abandoned ever since the fight between the Traveler and Tartaglia, a fatui harbinger broke out.

"What are we doing at the golden house?" asked Aether curiously.

"We aren't going inside. We're gonna go to the cliff behind it. It's a nice view of the entire Liyue Habor from up there."

Xiao grabbed Aether lightly and teleported to the top of the cliff he mentioned. The Blonde boy had forgotten how his friend was able to do stuff like that, some vision users also can teleport but not this far. Either way, it still amazes him whenever the Adeptus pulls off stuff like this in front of him.

They walked up a bit the mountain to get a better view of the city that was below them. It was late evening so the lights started to light up slowly one after another. It truly is a beautiful sight.

"I never thought I'd see such a beautiful view of Liyue.." said Aether looking at all the yellow and orange lights that were in front of them.

"I come here whenever I don't have any work to do. It's a...nice place to be at when you need to clear your thoughts, so I figured I'd show you this." Xiao was one of the not-so-many people who knew how beautiful the view behind the golden house was. And now Aether was one of the people who knew too.

"I appreciate it a lot that you showed me this sight, thank you, Xiao." Again he smiled. The Adeptus looked away, the fear of looking at his companion's eyes never left.

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