Unfinished journey ||

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"Ah...how do I put this, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk properly for a couple of days. The injuries have completley damaged your entire body. I must say though, I'm surprised you managed to even survive." Said Baizhu while looking at some papers and x-rays of the blonde boy's bones.

"I won't need to stay here until I'm fully healed though right...?"

"I cannot let a patient who has almost died leave my office, everyone would put the blame on me if anything bad happened to you, besides you don't wanna suffer more than you already are, do you?"

"I can't stay here! I've got urgent matters to deal with!"

"Like I said, I'm sorry but you're stuck here until you've completely healed and are able to walk properly without falling."

Doctor Baizhu always had an arrogant attitude especially towards his patients, nobody ever really understood why he was this way. Some think its his way of humbling patients who believe they're okay where in reality they're lying to get away from him.

"You don't understand! Teyvat could be in great danger if you don't let me go, please!" Begged Aether he wanted to find out what was going on with Lumine, she could possibly be plotting something dangerous against this world.

"You won't convince me to let you go, no matter how terrfying the situation is."

The traveler sighed and eventually gave up begging, not like he had the strenght to argue with the owner of Bubu Pharmacy. All he could do until then was pray to the gods of Teyvat that his sister dosen't do anything stupid. The amount of stress he experienced made him so tired.

"At least tell me how Paimon is doing." He demanded to know.

"She's in a perfect shape, but there's some bad news. Are you sure you wanna hear it in such horrible state, Traveler?"

"Sure...not like my condition could get any worse."

"She's in a coma, but don't panic yet. She will wake up, that's guaranteed. Maybe even by the time you're fully healed you'll be able to see her."

"Thank you...Baizhu. please...take good care of her."

"Don't worry, I will."

The traveler couldn't believe what he was hearing, his best friend was gonna be asleep for a while and that's all because he wasn't able to protect her from that crazy abyss lector. He believed his life couldn't get any worse at this point. Doctor Baizhu left the room so the boy can rest a little and think about all the events that had happened in such short time.

The green haired man left him some medicine on the bedside table for him to take. It was a drink made only from Liyue herbs, it is said that such medicines can heal patients very quickly. It smelled disgusting and the traveler wasn't planning on taking it, he usually dosen't mind the taste of certain stuff but something about gross medicine made him gag.

There was nothing he could do in that room, there was only a small window that was closed. The green haired man had to close it due to a large amount of people coming to Bubu Pharmacy to ask how the boy was doing, the window had to stay closed incase people tried sneaking it. Aether had many fans obviously from saving so many nations and people, everyone admired him.

After some time of deciding what to do, he got up and attempted to walk, this time he was able to walk but the pain was unbearable so he sat back down on his bed. He felt trapped with nothing to do and nobody to talk to. He started missing how his floating companion would always talk nonstop, now that she wasn't able to talk for a while made the boy really upset.

He felt lonely until an idea popped into his head, he remembered how the Adeptus told him the day before that they needed to talk. Surley calling him at this moment wasn't a bad idea, besides he had nothing to do. The only problem was that Baizhu might find out and start scolding Aether for inviting someone into the room without him allowing it. Having the man scold him for it would be very annoying but it was worth the risk.

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