🔞Impostor Pt 2 (Fox Minju X Chaewon X Sakura X Yunjin)🔞

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You wake up as you heard the girls laughing. They seems to have a conversation while you were sleeping, or that's what you thought. But you couldn't forget on what happened last night.

"Good morning, Y/N nie~" Minmin greeted and you just nodded at her. "Are you okay? You look pretty sleepy." Kirin said.

"Yeah... But I had a duty today. Now I really really need to take a shower. Those people out there aren't kumihos like you girls." you said and walked to the bathroom.

"Aah~ last night was so majestic." Minmin said.

"Yeah, we didn't get a longer time thanks to you." Kirin replied.

"Umm, what happened last night?" Haewon asked.

"Didn't you remember our plan? He really attempted to impregnate you. Just like what happen to anyone else in this room." Kirin said.

"Oh? I guess I overslept." Haewon giggled.

"At least he's not going to doing it with anyone else except us." Kura said and the others turned to her.

"Really? Why?" Haewon asked.

"Because last night, he told me that he didn't wanted to. So he ask me to seal his feeling away from them." Kura said.

At all of the sudden, Gazelle opened their door and they turned to her, she giggled to see them fully undressed.

"Did you girls having fun last night?"

"We did, except for Haewon who overslept." Minmin said.

"Ahh, good. By the way, since Kura and Zoey joined us, this group is now complete. So it's time." Gazelle said. "Time chamber will connected to Yenari's room door. See you there." she added and closed their door.

"Hyperbolic time chamber. Haven't heard them in a while." Kura said.

"You never use it?" Kirin asked.

"Nope. Back in my old group, we just train as usual, I used it only on my practice for an audition." Kura explained.

"Aah, understandable." Minmin said.

Then, they turned to you once you walked out from the bathroom. "I know it's weird to ask, but do you girls have clothes for guys? I don't care if the clothes is unisex." you said.

"Oh, we do have a lot. What colour do you prefer?" Kirin asked.

"Anything suitable for a guy in summer as long as its low profile." you said. She walked to her closet. Then, she handed him the purple clothes with black jeans.

"Isn't this size for women?"

"Don't worry. It's free size." Minmin said.

"Oh really? Neat."

You turned around as you started to wear your clothes without took the towels off until you wear the jeans.

"Feels nice too. Where did you get this?" you asked.

"Back from our kumiho world." Haewon said.

"Where are you going anyway?" Kura asked.

"My group got an invitation for a tour in HYBE. You can come with me too if you wanted. Because I barely talked with my groupmates." you said.

"Aah, is it because of that scent issue?" Kirin asked.

"Yeah. Wish I could be like you girls when it comes to this..."

"Actually, you can. Just tell me what scent you prefer." Kirin said.


"I'll do it." Haewon walked to you and kissed your cheek.

[🔞 EDITION] THE BEAUTY AND YOU : RESTART THE GAMEWhere stories live. Discover now