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───⋆ ˚。☁️⋆˚ ꒦꒷☄️꒷꒦˚⋆。☁️˚ ⋆───

' wanna hang out with me ? '

He suddenly asked me

' but i need to buy a butter for my mum'

Jungwon, i swear i really want to hang out with you

But this time was not right

' forgot about buying it '

And he grabbed my hand again

this time

We ran together

Under the rain


Why does all my dreams come true?

Am i in a dream?

' where are we going? '

i asked in the middle of running

' going to my favorite place '

He answered with a big smile on his face

He is so handsome with that sight

We came to the bookstore that say

[ Love in a dream ]

Wait, that title

The book?

' so you got the book from this store? '

' ah yes, that book is the only limited book that have only one '

' wow so you're the first one who bought it '

He nodded and smile again

As we came inside

I didn't know how to describe about what i was seeing right in the moment

It was like i was in a fantasy magical movie or something

Everything here looked very sparkling

' i never thought there's this store in our neighborhood!? '

' and you will be unexpected and surprised with what you're going to see '

As he said that

He clapped two times

And everything disappeared

Only a night sky with shooting stars existed


' that's so prettyyy '

I looked up to see the very nice view

' now make a wish , they said everything you wish while there's shooting star past by, will come true '

I looked at him as i closed my eyes and wish

» may this person right here be my soulmate «

i opened my eyes and saw that jungwon already lean his face close to mine with his eyes closed

I was so surprised but i also closed my eyes

───⋆ ˚。☁️⋆˚ ꒦꒷☄️꒷꒦ ˚⋆。☁️˚ ⋆───

✓ dreamy mist • jungwon yang Where stories live. Discover now