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───⋆ ˚。☁️⋆˚ ꒦꒷♡꒷꒦ ˚⋆。☁️˚ ⋆───

' Y/N '

' Y/N !!! '

Oh my god

' yes teacher? '

I was so startled

' is this a sleeping session to you ? '

' i am so sorry teacher, i promise this will not happen again '

And my teacher walked back to her seat

I sighed quietly

And realization hit me up

I looked up to find jungwon

But there was no sight of him in the class

I looked back down and see the book still right there

So that was a dream

Yes it's still raining

And it's time to go home

' hey Hanni, is there any person name jungwon in our class? '

She look confused

' jungwon? there's no one name like that in our class, but why? '

and i sighed heavily

There's no hope

Suddenly, my mum came

' there's nothing, i need to go now, see you tomorrow! '

' okay bye Y/N !'

I went inside the car

' how you doing, mum '

' hi my lovely '

She smiled and continued to drive

' how was your day? '

' ah! It was great! '

Yes, it was great to dreamed about him in the class today

Then i noticed that she was driving to different road path

' where are we going mum? '

' ah today, i am going to meet my old friend for abit , she wants to give me some gifts, you want to come ? '

I don't know why, my heart just want to come with her

' yes, I would love to '

As we arrive at a coffee shop

We went in together

I nearly jump in surprised

I saw jungwon with his luxurious suit

' oh my god, i miss you so much'

They hugged each other

And i stared at jungwon non stop

He looked at me too but look away as soon he saw me staring at him

But i don't care

Someone i really want to exist in real life, was right in front of me

I can't just do nothing

I noticed that he stared at the book the whole time

I literally forgot that i brought it all along

And he suddenly said

' excuse me, may i ask where did you get that book from? '

───⋆ ˚。☁️⋆˚ ꒦꒷♡꒷꒦ ˚⋆。☁️˚ ⋆───

❛ The end ❜ ♡

✓ dreamy mist • jungwon yang Where stories live. Discover now