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" She's hot!" Brady H yelled, making me laugh. Edan Hawke was indeed very, and I mean VERY attractive. We know she struggles with self confidence because she tweeted about it once, but she's beautiful in all our eyes.

" I didn't even know Ethan had a daughter until he called her on set and put her on speaker" said My other friend Jordan.


We were on set filming the sense when Billy and finney were on the phone and me, Jacob and Jordan kept losing focus because we found a lot of things that weren't funny before become hilarious for no reason.
Jordan isn't even in this Scene, he's just spectatting.

" Cut! Let's roll that again. Try not to laugh if it helps pretend your mom said you couldn't have McDonald's because they're was already food at home" Scott said making us all laugh.

We were about to get back to filming when someone's phone rang. I playfully went to the black phone that rested on the set wall and held it up to my ear " Hello?" I said jordan and Jacob laughed and so did I before we heard a voice coming from Ethans phone. He took his Grabber mask off and answered it saying " hey sweetheart, whats up?" Ethan questioned.

" Dad, Blanco is hungry and he's p-pou- ahahah sorry wait. He's uh- hahaha Blanco stop! Hahaha dude no stop! But he's pouncing on me !!" A female voice said through Ethans phone.

" Did I forget to fill his food bowls again?" He asked while sighing into the phone.

" Yeah, and- Blanco! Settle!. Tehahaah. I don't know umm where you keep the dog food so..." she said. You could here the loud barking in the back ground.

" it's in the garage, baby cakes. I gotta go film" he said and she said bye and exchanged " I love yous" before hanging up the Phone.

" Who was that ?" I asked being a bit nosy. But I was very curious to know who was on the other side of that phone just a few seconds ago.

" My daughter" he said and then Scott said " Ok... we ready to start over ?" We all nodded and got back to work.


" I can't believe we may meet her today. She's played all her roles so well. She's like a mini Zenday" I said.

" Alright boys... your on now, let's go"
Someone said and we all got up walking ti the door getting ready to walk out from back stage once we heard our name being called.

" Speaking of fam, we welcome to our show tonight. The main Characters of the movie " The black phone" I welcome, Mason Thames, Miguel Cazeremora, Jacob Morgan, Tristan pravong, and Brady Hepner, " we all waved as we walked out. The crowd cheered, the audience was mostly filled with children our age and there parents.

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