CHAPTER 6 Defying death

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I woke up the next day to find a note in my locker. It was from Cliff, Bumble's boyfriend. It said to meet him in the small storage room at midnight.

When I got there he was there all alone. "I think you know why we're here." I was confused, and made a confused face. "I don't know what you're talking about?" Cliff signaled Mumbo Dumbo to come forward with a knife and Bumble's finger. "Ever since you got here these murders have been repeatedly occurring. I don't know how or why, but we know it's you". I was shocked and confused. "How could it have been me?" I ask in defence "Isn't it obvious? Don't play dumb." Cliff responded in a slightly annoyed voice. "I don't understand. Why do you think it was me?!!" I replied back in an enraged voice, "Stop acting dumb. We know it's you." A long pause of silence occurred.

"Y'know what? I'm just leaving. This is just dumb. I haven't killed anyone. Nor would I even plan to."

Thoughts were racing through my head. And how the heck did Cliff get his filthy hands on Bumble's finger?!

Right then and there Cliff lunged at me with his knife and almost stabbed me. I dodged him. I ran as fast as I could but being really tired since it was 12:20am Cliff caught up. I was about to scream but got interrupted by Cliff covering my mouth so I couldn't scream.

He wouldn't kill me, right? He isn't the murderer

At Least... I don't think he is, I'm just gonna hope he isn't.. I don't want my best friend's boyfriend to be the murderer.

Right as he was about to stab me, to supposedly 'stop the murders' Dynamite walked in and screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!". Cliff froze knowing that now everyone would think he's the murderer. By that time everyone had arrived seeing Cliff with a knife in one hand and Bumbles finger in another ready to stab me. Yes!!

Rainy rushed to get Cliff off me, followed by Bumble. Rainy accidentally bumped me.

"You okay?" Rainy asked worriedly. "Yeah.. I think so." I replied back still sort of in a bit of shock of what happened.

"You should go back to your room to sleep, it's 12:30, get some rest, okay?"

"Okay.." I reply back to Rainy as I start walking back to my room.

I arrive in my room and plop down onto my bed. I start to panic on what could have happened and what could happen next. My breathing became really fast and in short breaths. Oh come on.. Not now!! I don't need a panic attack!!... I leaned onto the wall crying.

I could hear my heart racing inside me. I was shaking. My hands went numb. My memories from when my parents died and when Cliff attacked me were all rushing through my head. I could barely breathe.

My legs were trembling under me, the longer I was standing the more weight I was putting on the wall. My vision was fading and everything was blurry, I blinked and it didn't go away. I felt my legs give way under me then everything went black. 

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