Chapter 8 - The realisations

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Rainy was asking me what had happened, I told her about me in those memories.. Relieving them.

Rainy stayed with me as the others left, I asked them what the time was and it was 1:30am. "You should go to sleep now, Leah," Rainy quietly says to me "Yeah, sure..." I replied back to her "Do you want me to, I don't know, maybe stay here with you?" A short pause of silence occurs as I decide "Yeah, just in case something happens.."
I hop into my bed and lie there "Hey Rain?" I ready myself to ask them about what happened with Cliff, "yeah.?" she replied back, "what happened to Cliff?" "He, he just got locked up in the chapel. "Oh, thanks for telling me, Rain""no prob bob." I felt a bit sorry for Cliff, but, for all I know he COULD be the murderer. I lie down and shut my eyes, I slowly drift to sleep.

hours later I wake up and see someone leaning on the wall under a blanket at the edge of my bed . I nearly screamed until I saw Rainys face, I was relieved to see it was just Rainy.

"Ya finally awake?" Rainy says "Yup- How long ago did you wake up for you to say that i'm FINALLY awake?-"

"Mmmmm you don't need to know-"

"Oh well- I bet you've been up for a long time- What's the time now?"

"It isssssssssssss, 20 past 8, Yeah I think we should go have breakfast-"

"Oh- yeah I think we should"

I slowly get up out of bed but hear screaming.

"What the heck?!-" I hear Rainy says "Oh great.. Did someone die AGAIN??!!!" I immediately replied saying "Probably.. But hold on. It can't be Cliff who killed the person, assuming someone was killed, but he was locked up somewhere, right?" "Yeah.. He was.. So it can't be him." I rushed down the corridor and bust the front doors open with Rainy trailing behind me, my first instinct was to go to the cliff. I found Tinker dead and at the bottom of the massive cliff on the edge of the island she landed in a weird way with her neck sticking out. She was surrounded by a puddle of blood, and splatters of blood on the sharp rocks. I thought I saw an organ in the blood. I gagged, Rainy also looked down and gagged, "THAT'S HORRIFIC!!! WHAT THE HELL!!" I hear Rainy yell.

I imagine they also saw the organ. Rainy ran back to get some help, and I stayed. Just after they left I saw writing in blood next to Tinker on a rock that said watch out we may be the only ones left soon Just after I finished reading it, Rainy came running back, Noah close behind as soon as they came. I tried to show them the writing but when I looked back at where it was it had disappeared. "What the hell?" I say as I peer down further and squint to try to see where the writing is, "Something wrong?" Rainy said, sounding slightly confused, "There was writing here. I swear. Now it's just gone. It was written in blood." "Leah, are you ok? Do you need to lie down?"You're probably just seeing things," "No. I'm fine. But I swear I saw it." "Alright, I won't argue," Rainy slowly starts walking back to the building. "I've seen weird stuff like that, well, not exactly like that, but ya kno-" Rainy trips and falls onto a sharp-ish rock, causing them to bleed a lot on their knee, "crap.. Ow" Rainy says quietly, "Ouch, you okay?" I say, "I'll get a band-aid for you, and some stuff to clean it. It looks like it has a bit of dirt and stuff on it" I rush to the building, into the doors, and go straight to the bathroom. The door creaks as I open it. I immediately go to the cabinets next to the sink, paying no attention to anything around me, I drop on my knees to reach where the band aids lay. "OUCH-" I felt something prick my knee, it felt sharp. I immediately fell back to see if I was bleeding, spoiler alert, I was. I look at my knees and see a blade. What the heck? Why is that there? I thought. My first instinct was to pull it out but then I remembered that that would just cause more bleeding and I would die of blood loss, so instead I yelled for help and Bumble came running. She screamed and ran to my side and right as she got there Mumbo dumbo and grunting gorilla came skipping around the school singing "I screwed you you screwed me, I screwed up your family" in the tune of the I love you song when they saw us they stopped stared then started singing it ten times faster and skipping ten times faster away from us. Then after a full lap they came back with Noah, who they somehow convinced to also skip and sing. Jee, they were- no, they ARE annoying. I looked up to the wall, I thought I saw blood writing saying ' You're being watched, everyone is being watched Be careful~ '. I think I'm seeing things thing now, maybe Rainy's right, but I'm pretty sure I saw it by Tinker. I can't have imagined it, right?.. It just was so realistic. My thoughts were interrupted by Bumble asking if I was okay, she seemed, just, so fake. It felt like she didn't care about me, or even cared about the

deaths. I brush it off, and thought, 'it's fine, it's just me being stupid' mabye she's just kinda numb because of what happened when she was a child, or, not too long ago. I wanna get to know Bumble more, she seems like a cool person. I could talk to her later. I snap back to reality to see Rainy in front of me, waving their hands up and down and them saying "HelLooOoOOoOOo?? eaRTH tO lEAAaHHhHH"

"Oh uhm yeah sorry hi" I reply "There you are- you good?" "uhm.. Yeah im okay" "you sure?.." "yep!" "oookaaaayyyyy.. If you ever feel, well- not okay then you can tell me!" Rainy says. "Okay! Thank you, Rain!"


A bit later it was 8:37pm, I laid in bed thinking when will all the murders stop?.. It's just.. Weird. Could mumbo dumbo have eaten the radios and that kinda stuff on purpose to cut communication with others so he could kill all of us? No. Can't be. He's just- well- too- uh- unsmart?- maybe he could be hiding it. That he's smart. Maybe. But I'm not sure. Who the hell could it be? Oh well. I need to escape don't I? Mhm. Before I... get killed. I need escape plans.


Okay so... then I need t-..


Crap. I fell asleep. It's fin- no no no. nonono. I did not just forge- no no no no no no.... This isn't good. Crap. I forgot the plan. No no frick. No no crap.. Oh COME ON!!!

I spent so long on that just to forget. Damn it. Ight. uhm.

"I could just ask Rainy. Yeah. yeah yeah yeah.



Ri-" "HELLO!! Sorry for banging open your door-"

"Rain?- what are you doing-" "I was just bored- and then I thought wait it's time for breakfast then went down, blah blah, saw your weren't there, came here, and here I am- sorry for just barging in-"

"Well... well you should be!. Cause mAbYe I was doing something! mAByE you interrupted me, ya know what? GET OUT!!" "Hey, le calm down, you don't need to-" "I said GET. OUT?! Are you damn deaf or something?!!!" Rainy opened their mouth like they were going to say something, then closed it and left sadly. I stood there for a moment breathing loudly then I realised what I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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