Part 33

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Irene pov;

The next day, as usual I wake up to prepare breakfast but Julian is not beside me when I awake. Who knows where he's going but I didn't care. I walk out of the room to wake Giselle for breakfast too.

When I walk down while carrying Giselle I saw Julian is already eating at the dining table. I approach and saw there are already foods prepared.

Julian look at me " sit down and eat " he say while munching on his foods and point to the foods. Me and Giselle sit down to eat along with him too but it's weird that Julian looking all smart casual outfits.

I ask him " are you going to work? ". Julian just nodded while still munching on his foods not bothering to look at me. So I ask him again " I thought you ask to take leave for 3 days. Now it's just the second day. If you already go to work, can I go to work too? ".

Julian stop munching and look at me with a serious face " just start tomorrow ". I exhale roughly feeling frustrated that he didn't even want me to go to work today.

Giselle suddenly say " mom I want to play bicycle ". I froze for a moment because her bicycle left at Charlie's house.

So I look at Julian nervously " when you brought our things here, did you bring Giselle's bicycle too? ".

Julian nodded while munching on hid foods again " yeah, ask the housekeeper later they're the one who keep it " he say. Julian then stand up clean his hands " I'll be going. Don't cause any trouble when I'm not here " he warn me.

I roll my eyes at him and take a bite of my foods. He walk away out of the house and I heard his car already left. Suddenly, I keep thinking of how to escape from here.

I will take opportunity to see the situation of this house meanwhile I accompany Giselle riding her bicycle.

Me and Giselle are outside the house playing around the big space of this mansion. But I distract by to check how to get out from this place. I keep looking at how tight the security is here.

Never knew Julian would be so overprotective for tighting the security around here as if he knew I plan to escape. The guards are guarding every corner of the place. It feels like jail I can't even escape.

I keep trying to look around to see any hidden spot I could use to escape but then there's an old man tap on my shoulder cause me to surprise. I flinch and gasp while touch my heart beating so fast.

I turn to look behind me and saw he's giving a cheeky smile. I smile awkwardly at him back. " Why are you looking around like that as if you saw someone escape from this place? " He ask me.

I put on a fake laugh " I feel like I saw a ghost flying around so I want to confirm whether I see it right or not ".

The guard laugh so hard " there's no ghost around this time " he say and walk away still laughing so hard. I sigh in relief. Damn, never thought I had to make up with that kind of excuses.

I let Giselle riding her bicycle herself for a while meanwhile me I just want to water the flowers for no reason. While I spray the flowers I'm surprise by someone's presence infront of me from outside the gate.

I check to see and it's Charlie. My heart broke seeing his condition having bruises all over him. I cried feeling relief that he appear infront of me. I touch his hand " are you okay? Do you still feel hurt? " I ask him with a worried tone.

Charlie nodded " I'm okay. But first I'm gonna bring you away from here. I just want you to climb up here ".

I shake my head worried " no the guards are around guarding almost the whole place ".

" No it's okay I got them distract. So go and call Giselle I will get you both out of here " he say. I nodded and immediately ran to Giselle.

I carry Giselle " let's go honey " I said to her.

" Momma where are we going? " She ask me.

" We're going to get out of here with Charlie okay so don't say anything for now alright " I say to her while my voice is like out of breath.

When I came back to where Charlie spot is, the guards suddenly held him. I stop walking while still carrying Giselle. Suddenly, I heard a clap behind me with a familiar voice " well well, nice of you trying to find a way to escape huh ".

I gulp and look behind me it's Julian standing with his hands in his pockets. I look at him terrified because I know this is my doom.

Julian tilt his head slightly " you think I'm stupid? From the moment I heard Charlie escape the hospital room I knew he would go here right away and poison your mind to escape " he said to us.

Charlie looking weak struggling to let the grip of the guard's hands to let go of him. Charlie groan " You had them report me? "

Julian laugh evilly " of course. You think I don't know what your plan might be? You wanna steal and bring my family away again don't you? ".

Giselle then ask " mummy? What's going on? ".

I sniffles while rubbing Giselle's head softly and nodded signaling her that everything is fine " it's nothing honey ".

Julian sigh " come to your daddy my sweetiepie " he call Giselle. Giselle raise her arms to reach for Julian so I got no choice but to let her down because her body insisted.

She ran to Julian and hug him. Julian carry Giselle for awhile and gave her to the housekeeper standing beside him " bring her to her room ". The housekeeper bow and carry Giselle away.

I try to go to Giselle but Julian stop me " ah ha stop right there you are not going anywhere either ".

I look at him angrily " just stop this stupid act of yours ".

Julian groan and approach me angrily " if you still run your mouth I'm gonna make your lips bleed once I kiss it ".

I look at him terrified knowing what he meant. Julian look at Charlie " I'm being generous to let you relax and get you heal in the hospital with a VVIP room but look at you causing trouble? Do you want me to put you in the mental room instead? ".

Charlie smirk " you are really like your father " he say sarcastically.

Julian approach him while his fist is ready to punch him " you really want me to put more arts on your face don't you " he say but I stop him.

" No please don't " I beg while holding onto Julian's arm tightly. Julian stop right there while glaring intensely at Charlie.

They both look at each with full of resentful eyes towards each other.

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