Part 56

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Julian pov;

As usual my routine would just sit down staring at all the prisoners having their fun time together. I even question myself I thought that the criminals would pay for what they've done but I see them enjoying themselves like it's nothing for them.

I wonder how does the victims feel if they saw those criminals just living their best life here without even feel any sense of suffering. I feel like I'm not suffer enough here but it is at the same time because I can't meet Irene.

The fact that Irene wouldn't even want to meet me is already consider that's one of the punishment I need to face. It's quite hard, at times I would ask my secretary to inform Irene that I want to see her but she rejected me. Even though I say I want to see Giselle because I expect that she would come along with Giselle but it turns out to be she didn't come along. Only Giselle with my secretary.

I accepted my fate even though it's painful for me to handle. I will try to spend my life suffering without seeing her or talk to her but I have her picture that's enough for me.

While I just sit down watching the prisoners, Irene's dad came to me. He sat next to me but with a little bit of distance. I look at him and bow at him.

He watch the prisoners along too " I heard you've been going crazy trying to meet my daughter don't you? "

I look at him surprise and he laugh " don't be surprise. I'm sure you know Irene would tell me that too " he say with a teasing face.

I scoffed speechlessly " I do going crazy but I'm going to accept my fate anyway ". Irene's dad then laugh again. I look at him and laugh again.

I smile at him " seems like you're in a good mood huh? Is it because you will go out soon? "

He nodded his head while coughing after all the laugh " yeah, me and your dad will be out soon meanwhile you need to wait 1 month more right? "

I chuckled and nodded " yeah, can't wait for that. The first person I'm gonna meet will surely be Irene " I say with a teasing tone and face.

Irene's dad glare at me when I laugh cause me to stop and froze not laughing anymore. Irene's dad then laugh " I'm kidding ".

I sigh relief and laugh along with him too. He cough a little " of course you can. Whatever your business with Irene are, it's you both who will manage it. I'm not gonna butt in ".

I chuckle " why are you not stopping me? I hurt your daughter so bad before ".

He laugh " I don't know why. Maybe I'm getting too old don't even have any energy to stop anyone ".

I just smile slightly. " I miss her mom " he say while look at the sky.

I look down feeling the same. I miss my mom too. Irene's dad clear his throat " the fact that your mom and my wife died together in an accident when they both are on their way for shopping. Together in the car they both died together. I remember how they both use to say dark joke together like they want to die together and be by each other side when they die. They even want their grave next to each other. When they both said that, they even laugh. But what happen? They literally curse themselves ".

I wanted to laugh but at the same time I felt bad. I try to maintain cool not wanting to laugh over a dark jokes of my mom and Irene's mom.

Irene's dad proceed his words " when I was there I laugh along too because when they said that, they sound ridiculous. I even think to myself why did I laugh that time? ". He say with a speechless face.

I can't take it in anymore I began to giggle. Irene's dad look at me and giggle along too. " I wonder if they both would get mad if we both laugh over their dark jokes? " He said with a serious face but in a funny way at the same time.

I try to maintain cool " I don't think they will get mad because they laugh at themselves ".

Irene's dad nodded his head agree " yeah they do. I remember how they both said it with a proud face ".

Irene's dad shake his speechless " we even grant their wishes. We really do make sure their graves are only next to each other ".

I chuckle " anything for the mothers right? " Irene's dad nodded agree again.

Irene's dad suddenly rub my back gently and slap it gently " when you meet my daughter to win her back, make sure you fix everything. I know it will be quite hard and challenging for you but I know you will put more efforts to win her. I know you wouldn't give up easily " he say with a comfort smile on his face.

I look at him but my heart feel uneasy but still trying to put on a smile " I will. I will fix everything for the sake of the relationship I will build with her ".

Irene's dad nodded and smile while his hand is still on my back " take care of her. Make her happy don't make her sad again. Make sure Giselle is happy to have parents like you both. Be the good example of parents to Giselle. I'm sure she will be a good child to you both " he advice.

I feel more uneasy as if he's saying his last words. I said to him " why are you being suspicious as if you will go far away ".

He just let out a laugh " what do you mean by that I'll be fine. It's just that I want to tell you this early so I won't waste my time telling you next time. I want to spend my quality time on something else because I miss my routine on this normal day but because I'm in a prison I can't do anything yet ".

I feel relief a little because my heart still feel uneasy. I nodded and look at him " okay if you say so. I just want you to be healthy and fine because you will be the witness of our second wedding " I tease.

Irene's dad then slap my arm " don't be ridiculous " he said seriously but give a cheeky smile after. I laugh with him and there we both laugh along together enjoying our conversations with each other.

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