Part 59

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Irene pov;

I saw the man is still sitting there when I need to close the cafe. I got no choice but ti to approach him and tell him to go because the cafe will be close soon.

I politely say " hello sir? I'm sorry to say this but we will close the cafe soon ".

He look at me with an intimidating eyes. I feel terrified at first so he wake up from his seat. Damn, I hope he's not mad. He open his cap suddenly and he open his mask. I'm surprise that it's Julian this whole time.

I stuttered " J-Julian? ". He smile at me and look at me with his eyes sparkling.

He tilt his head slightly " are you doing fine now? Your dad too? And lastly Giselle " he ask.

I'm still stunned by his sudden presence. I stunned didn't even say anything space out for a moment. He let out a little chuckle " why are you looking at me as if you saw a ghost ".

I sigh and look away. " We all are doing fine " I said coldly and wanted to walk away but he stop me by grabbing my wrist.

" Wait. Don't leave first " he say to me.

I shove his hand away " why are you even here? " I ask him coldly.

He fix his jacket " I'm here to see you of course ".

I cross my arms " it's not like I want to see you ".

He bow slightly and his face near me but with a little distance " but I want to see you " he say while crossing his arms along too.

I scoffed " ridiculous " I roll my eyes at him and walk away.

He pull my wrist and his hand touch my waist pulling my body touch his body too. I look up at him with my eyes wide open surprise. I wanted to let go of the grip of his hand from waist but his grip is strong.

" Why are you trying to run away huh? " He ask with a more deep husky voice.

I try to take a deep breath to maintain calm. " Get your nasty hand off my waist " I warn him.

His face is getting near " I can't because I'm attached to you " he say in a more deep husky voice.

I clench my jaw and look at him furious. I kick his member and he groan in pain. I smirk and walk away after not even care about he's in pain. I just straight away proceed on doing my thing. I tidy up the store and took my bag to left the store.

When I turn my back I saw Julian is still standing waiting for me. I look at him with a serious face. " Why are you didn't even leave yet? " I ask coldly.

He sigh " how can I leave when you just kick my precious part ".

I roll my eyes at him and walk out of the cafe to lock the cafe. " It's useless for you to keep that part " I said to him.

He scoffed " it's still useful for us to have another child ".

I glare at him and he chukcle " whoa calm that stare down there little boo. I'm kidding even though actually it's not " he tease.

I look at him with a cold expression on my face " you really want double injury don't you? " I threatened him.

He straight away back away. " Nope, I want to send you home " he say while raising his hands.

I roll my eyes " no thank you " I said to him in a sassy way.

He grab my wrist and I look at his hand grabbing my wrist. I glare at him after and he try to close his member. " Don't annoyed me " I said to him with a serious face.

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