Part 45

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Julian pov;

Now I'm in Daniel's office waiting for him to give me the pills. " Here " he show it to me and put it on my hand.

I grab the pills and take a look at it " you sure this work? " I ask him with a hopeful face.

" If that's not working at all I won't give it to you " he say with a sassy face.

I furrowed my eyebrows weirdly and shake my head speechless " here the money ".

He shove my hand gently " no don't pay me it's okay ".

I keep on insist to give him the money " no you should take this ".

He shove my hand again " no, I won't take this. I'm giving you for free ".

I tilt my head slightly " if this pills finish, I will get from you more. You sure you don't want me to pay? "

He think for a moment " for now it's free but another time you can pay ".

I sigh and nodded " good, as long as you want me to pay the next time ".

He look at me strangely and I look at him back asking him why is he looking at me like that. " Now go away and take your wife home " he say to me with an annoyed sassy voice.

I scoffed " see you the next time you sassy ass cock ".

He look at me with his furious sassy face again " the fuck get out from my office " he say while throwing his files towards the door. I exit his room laughing mischievously but stop and startled. I immediately hide the pills when I saw Irene who appear right infront of me.

She look at me with her doe eyes but me look at her panic because how long she's been here. I ask her " how long you've been here? "

" I just came here and saw you exit the office room here " she say softly. I nodded and sigh in relief.

I try to put on a smile " what are you doing here you should wait in the room " I say while wrap my arm around her back guiding her to walk.

" Nothing, I just want to walk around " she say innocently. I swear the way she talk to me with an innocent look on her face plus her soft voice makes me melt in any type of way.

We both are now packing our things to get ready to go back home. Daniel enter the room " so now it's time to go back home " he say excitedly as if he didn't want us here any longer.

I glare at him but he just respond me with a teasing smile. " Later pay the bills down there alright " he said with a cheeky smile and walk away after.

I curse under my breath and shake my head speechless by his cheeky behavior. I look at Irene putting on a comfort smile because she look so confuse by Daniel sudden behavior.

After few minutes drive to our home, I do feel nervous because I hope she wouldn't get any flashback memories of the past of us in this house. She exit the car look around the house stunned by the surroundings.

I held her hand wanting to guide her and we both together walk our way to enter the house. " This is our house? " She ask with an unbelievable face on her face.

I chuckle and nodded " yeah, this is our house ".

" I didn't expect the house would be this big " she say with a stunned look on her face.

I chuckle and stop for a moment holding her hands " this is where we gonna have a new life again ". She look at me confuse but nodded with a cute smile on her face.

We both now enter the house and Giselle welcome us. " Mommy! Daddy! " Giselle shout at us and ran to us for a hug.

We both as usual automatically kneel to hug her back. Irene look at me confuse but I give a comfort smile. We broke the hug and she ask " so this is my daughter? " she point innocently at Giselle.

Giselle look confuse but trying to understand her mom. I nodded at Irene and she just touch Giselle as if she's admiring how Giselle look.

I held Giselle arms " why don't you play first, I need to send your mom in the room for her to rest ". Giselle nodded excitedly and hug me.

She walk out of the house waving bye to us. I smile by Giselle's cuteness while I touch Irene's back to guide her to our room.

We both enter our room and she look even more surprise by the design of the room. She look more surprise than the first she look at the house.

(The bedroom)

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(The bedroom)

She look at me surprise. I chuckle and ask her why. " I didn't expect you are... Rich " she say while think for a moment.

I laugh " well now you've seen it right ". She nodded while still look around the bedroom amaze by the room.

" The space is so big " she say while her mouth are still in awe surprise.

I chuckle while approach her for something. She look at me confuse but at the same time she look nervous. " Why? " She ask while smiling awkwardly.

I approach her and held her waist. " I want you " I said to her with a husky deep voice.

She stuttered " w-what do you m-mean? " While she laugh nervously.

I smirk and push her gently on the bed. I crawl on top of her and kiss her. She touch my chest not responding to my kiss so I broke the kiss and stare intensely.

She shyly say " I-i don't know how to kiss " while look at me shyly.

I chuckle by how cute she look when she's nervous like this. " It's okay, let me lead " I said to her. She nodded letting me do whatever I want to her.

I start to kiss her soft delicate lips while held her cheeks. I start to hovered my lips around her cheek to her neck slowly. She automatically let out a soft moan. I smirk and I straight on kiss every bit of her body slowly. She grab my hair gently.

I open my shirt and pants while stare at her intensely. She look at me nervous but her hands still hovered around my body. I go straight for a kiss again. This time my kiss is getting a little bit rough because I can't control my lust anymore.

I rip her shirt and pants cause her to startled. She look scared but I calm her down " it's okay don't be scared ". She nodded nervously.

I ask her first " I will put this inside so even though it's painful just held it in for me ". She nodded feeling nervous trying to take a breath.

I put my member inside slowly and she gasp while her hands grab my arms. She whine " it's painful ".

I carressed her hair to comfort her " this pain will turn into pleasure ". She just look at me with hopeful eyes. I start to thrust slowly and she start to moan while trying to handle the pain.

I thrust slowly until she feel pleasure then I will start to thrust harder. She moan in pleasure and there I start to increase a little bit of speed when I thrust her. She moan more with pleasure and I thrust her more hard.

She moan while her hands hovered around my back while she gently scratch my back and moan with so much pleasure cause me to feel more crazy to thrust her harder.

Only our moan fill the room enjoying the moment of us together like this. I feel glad that we could make love like this without using any force.

There, we make love without realizing the time are already night. We just in our own world not bothering about anything.

Just make love moment.

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