Conspiracy of the true father of the nation.

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Great Mother of the God-man, Most Holy Virgin. I, Jan Kazimierz, king by the grace of Thy Son, King of kings and my Lord, and by Your mercy, having fallen to Your Most Holy feet, do choose you on this day as my Patroness and Queen of my countries...- King John II Casimir Vasa of Poland taking his Lvov vows on April 1, 1656.

People's Republic of Poland
September 17, 1975 P.C
Seat of the Primate of Poland

"We are happy to announce that the so-called Kingdom of Riem has just signed important trade agreements to modernize their country to Polish standards. Polish industrial and construction companies will receive lucrative exclusive contracts to raise the level of civilization in the local areas. King Riem, Bank I said that this agreement opens a new era for his country and he hopes to further..." The radio was trumpeting yet another propaganda success story of People's Poland.

"Bank, what a name. Surely our envoys could hardly keep from peeing themselves laughing. He admired what he read, he maintained an inhuman seriousness while reading it." Rev. Bronisław Piasecki, the Primate's secretary, spoke up with a giggle. "Isn't that right, Your Eminence?" he turned to the Primate of the Polish Catholic Church, Stefan Wyszyński, called by posterity and while he was still alive the Primate of the Millennium.

This man, no longer young, was the de facto true leader of the Polish nation in those difficult times before the Polish Pope. It was he, and not the successive First Secretaries, who was the true protector and statesman. If John Paul II was the uncrowned king of Poland, then Wyszyński was the same as during the First Republic/Commoweathl, when one king died and no new king was elected.

Interrex, a person who replaced the king during an interregnum and held temporary royal power until a new king was elected. He was always the Primate of Poland, although sometimes, for various reasons, he was replaced by another bishop if the primate was dead or cursed from the church, which happened only twice during the free election.

Fortunately Primate Wyszyński is neither cursed nor dead. Although probably many communists would like to see him in the grave, but they knew very well what would happen if they killed him. All Poles, even those non-Catholics, will rise up in protests, compared to which both Poznan in 1956 and the workers on the Coast in 1970 looked like a small band of troublemakers.

Simply the Primate has too much respect in the nation, and the three-year confinement in Komancza in the 60s during Gomulka's rule only strengthened his authority, despite the fact that he often made difficult decisions to agree with the communists, which many perceived as betrayal.

Well, the Primate is a statesman after all, and a statesman does not waste the Polish nation or especially the last bastion of freedom in the communist nightmare. And let's add to this that Primate's origin is the child of a peasant church organist, who was not excessively rich after all.

So it was somewhat ironic that against the communists the one they were theoretically supposed to liberate was fighting. A member of the white proletariat against the red aristocracy, this obvious irony hurt the eyes of all those who like progress and see the future in some form of socialism or communism and of course are for revolution.

In the end, it is hard to say that communism is the promised place for workers and peasants when your greatest enemy is a reactionary institution run by a peasant son.

What's more, after the transfer and establishment of contacts with Japan, Wyszyński's authority was so high that, despite the obstacles posed by the communist security police, Wyszyński also became the one to whom the Catholic Church in Japan submitted as the temporary head of the church until a new pope was elected.

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