The tradition of Polish arms is as great and as old as our thousand-year history. There are victories in it, there are also defeats, but there can be no national treason in it. It is better not to talk about tradition where troops were formed by our enemy and invader of Poland. [Gen. Wladyslaw Anders - radio speech of 25 II 1954].
Slawomir Cenckiewicz, The Long Arm of Moscow. Military Intelligence of the People's Republic of Poland 1943-1991 (introduction to the synthesis).
Former Kingdom of Louria
Contrary to popular belief in Japan, the former Louria has not broken up into four states. No... in fact, this division is due more to the claims of the four biggest players in the former Louria than to the territory.
The former kingdom today is divided into dozens of principalities often of very small size after all, many of these "princes" are former barons or even counts who sensed an opportunity. The chaos in Louria since the failed invasion and kidnapping of the King throughout the year has only worsened.
The network of tracts and guesthouses wrapping like veins around the entire territory of the thriving kingdom, which last year were full of merchants or porters and even pilgrimages of worshippers to distant temples today are filled exclusively by brigands and bandits called soldiers of this and that principality.
The worst of them were those who not so long ago were part of the Second Army of the Kingdom of Louria marching on Quilla. Upon hearing of the defeat of their comrades to the north, they stopped their march through the deserts of Quilla and hurried to Louria to defend it from the expected attack.
It was never going to happen, the Japanese were faster, and when the Second Army returned home, it turned out that the King was gone, and with him the factor holding the whole country together was missing. Even worse was the fact that the King, in his own name, had taken out loans to arm and feed the army that was to march and conquer the entire continent. The money was spent almost entirely and what was left was barely enough to pay the capital garrison, this was not too much of a problem in the minds of the people in charge of the entire operation after all, the intention was to pay the soldiers with the spoils captured in battle.
But instead of the expected victory there was a huge defeat and when the king disappeared there was no one to whom the various administrators of the territories could pay allegiance, and he had no legitimate offspring, and he didn't even have a wife! He only had enslaved half-human concubines who were in his harem, and he had a special weakness for the so-called Lupus (or human-wolves) and Felix (or human-cats). They were not sterilized, contrary to the common custom of having such "mistresses" hence there were a whole lot of illegitimate and illegitimate children with them albeit only of the female sex, the male ones were killed by drowning in water immediately after birth unless he was to be quite strong and fit for action, or his mother begged the King for mercy then only the death was arranged and secretly given to someone to raise because such sons were destined for other tasks, more prestigious ones that slaves fulfill.
This was not a hindrance after all the king was quite young and virile, he had already had more than 245 children with more than 58 women and all this before he turned 30, only this year he would have had that many. So it was thought that he would beget an offspring from a legitimate bed with ease, and rumor had it that he intended to do so with the daughter of whichever of his men would do the most service to the cause in uniting the continent. Hence many even minor aristocrats sacrificially contributed in the hope that perhaps their daughter would wed into the royal family.
His father had only two legitimate brothers, and only he managed to conceive a son who lived to adulthood. Many outside Louria said it was punishment from the Gods for their crimes, especially for Hark XXV the Rotten, with whom the madness of human supremacy began in Louria. The family shrank in the male line from this ruler generation after generation until it was left except for the old men themselves in the form of the King's uncles and himself.
Greetings Comrades in Japan
FanfictionThe Japanese relocated to the New World are joined a few months later by another country. A country that has never had a problem with Japan and has even maintained friendly relations with it by secretly working together when they were theoretically...