It remains a mystery and a tragedy of history that a nation ready for great heroic effort, gifted, valiant, endearing repeats stagnant errors in almost every manifestation of its rule. Great in rebellion and misfortune, shameful and shameless in triumph. The bravest among the brave, led by the meanest among the mean. - Winston Churchill on the Poles
Empire of Parpaldia
16 Mar 1640 C.C.Y./1975 P.C.15:06
Forest at 40 Km east of Tyronth Village
Marcus with fear in his heart was lying on the ground in the forest waiting for the Poles coming from the sea. He was one of the survivors from the first line of battle. Only by incredible luck he managed to escape from this slaughter on horseback. He did not even try to put himself on the second line, he simply rushed wherever he could but as far away from the Polish troops as possible.
Fortunately, when he crossed the second line, it was already on fire, being massacred by the Polish Artillery. Unfortunately, he was unable to cross the third line safely and was caught.
He was lucky enough to be considered a panicked soldier and not a deserter, but the problem was that he was given the new weapon of the Parpaldian elite, the firing pin, and was forced to take part in the defense of the third line.
The commander of the third and last line had just enough sense to decide that it would be best to hide in the woods and wait with an ambush for incoming enemy troops.
Therefore, when the Polish Artillery began to play its symphony of death for the umpteenth time that day, it demolished only the empty fortifications which had been abandoned by Parpaldia.
Marcus took no part in the boasts and threats made by the soldiers around him. They are fools! Don't they know we have nothing to stop them! Marcus thought in his mind, all the time having in his mind the images of the defense of the first line when the shells fell on their positions and started to penetrate their defenses. The air raid afterwards only deepened the wounds on the young soldier's heart.
He felt extremely old, in just a few hours he had grown old. He no longer saw any hope of victory, he could already see the soldiers around him falling through holes from the bullets of fast shooting enemies or being torn apart by steel monsters that spit fire like their land dragons but the effects of their fire were more disastrous.
Suddenly the conversations stopped and through the bushes he heard a quiet "They are coming!". Marcus tuned his ears looking for the enemy and after a while he heard a whirring sound, which announced the appearance of Polish vehicles. Then he saw a column of three vehicles moving slowly on wheels and with turrets moving sideways. They were Polish BRDM-2s, which Marcus did not know. He could see the faces of the Polish soldiers through the windscreens, above the windscreens there were plates like eyelids over the eyes.
Greetings Comrades in Japan
FanfictionThe Japanese relocated to the New World are joined a few months later by another country. A country that has never had a problem with Japan and has even maintained friendly relations with it by secretly working together when they were theoretically...