12. The Will of Fire Part 2

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A/N : Quick question, what were the other forms of Rengoku's flame Breathing? Seriously, it wasn't in the movie and I can't find it on the fandom website. Unless I missed it somewhere 🤔.

Anyhow, here's an update. I'm not dead, still alive and kicking. I know I promised regular updates but between work and my other commitments, it's been a whirlwind ☹️.

Hope you enjoy.

P. S. I suck at writing fight scenes so bear with me.


Moon breathing, First Form: Dark Moon Evening Palace - sixfold!

The moment her attack connected, Yua saw a dark grey rock skinned being detach itself from the wall however the Flame Pillar had anticipated this and moved at impressive speed to launch a follow up attack.

"Flame Breathing, Third Form - Blazing Universe!"

Performing a downward arc slash, Rengoku managed to slice the demon through the chest, almost decapitating it with just one move.

"Tch, you're a Hashira , aren't you? How bothersome. I have to be careful if I want to dispose of you." The demon said in annoyance as it quickly regenerated itself. "But it'll take a little more than that to kill me, Hashira . I'm sure you and your underling here have already figured it out. Killing me will be a lot harder than you thought!"

With that, the demon slapped the cave floor with both its hands before two large stone golems began to form.

"Blood demon art: Twin Golems of Gaia!"

The stone golems let out a deafening roar as they charged at the two demon slayers. Gripping her sword, Yua performed several crescent-shaped slashes that defend her from incoming attacks, sending a barrage of crescent blades.

"Moon Breathing: Second Form: Pearl Flower Moon Gazing!"

The attack managed to crumble the stone golems but as soon as that happened, the demon wasted no time launching it's counter attack as it saw Rengoku  charged up towards him at high speed and released an arching sword slash upwards.

"Flame Breathing, Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!"

"Blood demon art : Wailing Rock Rain!"

Slamming his hands together whilst jumping backwards to a avoid Rengoku's oncoming attack, the demon sent a hailstorm of tiny but sharp and deadly rock at them.

The two slayers were forced to defend themselves from his deadly attack.

"Flame Breathing, Fourth Form : Blooming Flame Undulation!"
Rengoku shouted as he swung his blade in a circular motion to defend from the incoming attack.

"Moon Breathing, Second Form: Pearl Flower Moon Gazing!"

Yua performed several crescent-shaped slashes that defended her from the incoming attack, sending a barrage of crescent blades.

Both Yua and Rengoku readied themselves for a swift counter attack. Once the dust settled, the Flame Pillar shot forward in superhuman speed before the demon could react and struck with a single circular slash that took the demon's hands.

"Flame Breathing, First Form: Unknowing Fire!"

Hissing in annoyance, the demon retreated back to the cave walls and soon morphed it's body with the rest of the cave.

"Good luck taking my head now." The demon said as it let out a malicious laugh.

"As long as you can't find my real body among the rock, you'll never defeat me! And soon, once you tire out, I shall devour you both!"

Just then, the ground began to shake as the demon manipulated the terrain, changing the cave walls and causing sharp spiky rocks to shoot out at the two slayers.

The two used their sword styles to defend from the attack but they knew they could not stay on the defensive for long. The demon was trying to wear them out.

With that realization, they had a silent agreement to face the demon head on.

Yua gripped the handle of her sword as she contemplated her next move. She couldn't use her second form because it was a defense move, the first form didn't pack much of a punch. She had to try out that move is she was going to force the demon out of hiding. However, that move wasn't ready yet , it would probably not be as effective.

Even still, she had to take a chance. Gripping her sword tighter, she swung her sword rapidly into two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spread, causing huge destruction in a small area.

The destruction was enough to startle the demon who, seeing the crescents about to slice him in half.

"What the hell is going on?! I'm out of here man!" The demon screamed in panic as he tried to get away.

Rengoku smiled proudly at the opportunity the girl had given as he dashed forward to finish off the demon.

"Flame Breathing, First Form : Unknowing Fire!"

With one final circular slash, the Flame Hashira cut the demon's head clean off.

As the demon's body began to disintegrate, the parts of its body it had merged with the cave also began to crumble, threatening to cause a cave in.

"Rengoku - sama, we have to get out of here now." Yua said in warning, trying to catch her breath and wiping away a drop sweat that had formed on her brow.

"Right! Let us go!" Rengoku replied before dashing out of the cave, Yua hot on his heels.

The second they were outside, the entire cave collapsed in on itself.

"Well that was something." Yua said thoughtfully as she sheathed her sword.

Turning, she saw the Flame Hashira was smiling at her.

"You've gotten stronger. And you didn't tell me you had your own breath style!" He complemented her, as he patted her head fondly.

"Ah well, it's not like I became Hashira or anything. It's no big deal." Yua said with a blush as she turned away.

"Mastering your own swordsmanship and honing your skills are steps towards becoming a strong Pillar. I have no doubt that you will one day." He said with a smile as he looked to the horizon at the setting sun.

As he smiled, there was one thought that crosse the Flame Pillar's mind.

Senjuro, I know she can help you lead your own path.


As the darkness descended, a single figure watched the two slayers make their way to their next location.

"So, this is the demon slayer that has you excited? She is nothing but a child. Let's see what makes her special."

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