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A man slowly walked down a dusty path with a box of beers empty in his hand. He was on a long countryside road in Iowa with nothing in sight and heat blaring down causing the air to scorch and kill all the life along the road. An occasional squawk of a bird can be heard and the sound of a car is closing in on the man. Just as the figure thinks the car will pass the screeching of brakes can be heard. The windows slowly roll down as the car stops by a man, a man in his mid-forties with teeth missing and a large potbelly puts his head out of the car and yells.

Man: You alrite mate

The figure turns slowly till his silhouette shows a man with brown hair and a thick but short beard that covers his entire jaw and chin.

???: 'I'm fine thank you.'

He then smiles kindly at the man eliciting a smile showing his grim teeth to the stranger. The man then once again turns and continues to walk while sipping the last bottle of beer he still had slowly.

Man: It's just that nothing here for miles and you're in thick clothes in this shit weather so I thought you were lost or something. Ya know?

???: Don't stress. I can tell you know that I understand where I'm in this shithole and hot to get out of this charming little road. Just drive on yeah?

He once again turns to continue his journey and sips the beer again slower than before with loo of annoyance on his face that the man could not see.

Man: Well it's just that this place is in the middle of nowhere and you-

???: Listen here you fat fuck I said I know where to go so just leave me the fuck alone and drive to go to your fucking whore wife so you can sit like a lazy bitch and sip some beer. now get moving down the god damn road.

The man hurriedly gets out of his car to try's get in the man's face only know to realize that he is far larger than he is and attempts to push him only to be shoved into the hood of his car by the man with one hand as he continues to sip his beer. He then proceeds to continue down the road his trench coat swaying as he walks. The fat man snarls and jumps at the man only to be picked by one hand around his throat at inhuman speeds. The man struggles as he is lifted a meter into the air while choking.

He manages to sputter out in between breaths 'What are you?'

The man has a look of casual consideration on his face as he stands there without effort lifting the wide man higher into the air. He appears to change his mind on something and lowers the man so his feet are close to the floor and eye level with his aggressor and he leans close to his ear and says. 'Do you want to know mate?'

The man nods as much as he could with a hand around his neck. He manages to sputter out a meager. 'Yes'

???: 'Well mate I guess I'll tell you then' he pauses and sips his beer yet again while letting out a breath ' I'm just a man

He then shifts his thumb to go on the man's barely visible chin and proceeds to violently shatter his jaw and swing him like a baseball bat into the car leaving it battered from the sheer velocity of the throw.

He turns and continues down the road indifferent to the wails and horror he can hear from behind him. He takes a long sip of his beer savoring its taste as he knows that it is the last one that he can drink from the pack unless he can somehow find another gas station along this highway that sells a good cold Bud light beer pack. He sighs knowing he has a long journey till he gets back home but he knows he can't do anything about it.

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