Letter 8: It's Been a While

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Dear you, 

How are you? How are you feeling?

I am supposed to start an assignment, but I'm postponing it by a little because I want to talk to you. It's been a while since I sat down and wrote you anything.

When I write to you, I dedicate time and thought to making, or hoping to make, these letters sound just right. I've been busy lately, and my mind has been too occupied to think of words and sentences to form a simple letter. I strive not to "half-do" anything. Now, I fear that means I'll end up doing nothing at all. 

So, despite the fact that my thoughts are being pulled in every direction instead of focusing only on us, I am going to write you anyway. And I need this, a minute to do something that helps me connect with myself. Yes, writing to you helps me connect with myself. It's something I do to breathe, process, and relax.

What's the reason you read my letters?

Have I asked this question already? I believe I asked what it was about my first letter that intrigued you to open the next; however, I don't believe I asked you the reason you read them. Will you tell me?

Fun irrelevant fact - it's thundering out. It's December, but today was a sunny and warm day. It felt like spring was on its way, and I sort of had spring fever. But now, this evening, bringing me back to reality is a temperature drop and the sound of thunder. Which, honestly, I wouldn't mind in the slightest, but I would like a blanket and a movie to go with it, not an assignment. But what can I do? Responsibilities...

I really should go now. It was really good speaking with you even though it was just for a bit.

Yours Truly,


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