Letter 1: My Name is RCG

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Dear you, 

I'm having the most difficult time starting this letter. Presenting oneself accurately through the means of words, which can be easily interpreted differently in another's mind, turns the nature of this letter into something more complex.

I suppose the core of the issue is that we are mere strangers. You don't know me, nor do I know you. You've never heard the manner in which I express my words. Perhaps our relationship will never go past these letters, and you will never hear it; however, if your assumption is I speak calmly, you are sometimes right. If you imagine I speak quickly and energetically, you again would be correct frequently. It all depends on the mood you catch me in. I assume the same for you.

I'm at a point in my life where I'm considered both old and young, it all depends who you ask. I suppose age becomes relative from this point forward.

No. I take that back; I think it is almost always relative. There's always someone who's lived less and always one who's lived more.

I'm not all too sure what to share about myself. Does one ever find themselves that interesting, to the point that they actually want to talk about themselves? I've never been good at filling out those applications of sorts that request I write about myself. With time, you will get to know my authentic self. Shoving facts about myself reflects hardly anything. Getting to know a person, I believe, is done in the silent moments. The conversation leads you through their mind, aspirations, nightmares. You listen close enough and you understand them over time.

Do you get me? Sometimes, I feel that the way I think is foreign to others. There are times when I speak to people, and they don't understand me. I see it in their eyes. It's not that they aren't listening. They are. But the words that enter their ears merely wallow in the shallow end, seldom daring to swim out to the deep end of their thoughts.

I may just be a lot to take in. I've been told before that I'm intimidating, which at the moment got a good laugh out of me. The peer of mine – not quite a friend – was serious though, and I'm not sure why. I sincerely try my best not to judge another. In fact, even after people have reached their incompetent, prompt conclusion on a matter, I will still be lost in thought, trying to absorb the entirety of it: I live the situation in my mind and consider the circumstances in depth.

I may be serious at times, but a genuine conversation with me reveals more. Honestly, I love an adventure and the idea of enjoying life. A good laugh is something always appreciated. I might just be biased, but I don't think intimidating really suits me all that well. (I know you wouldn't be able to tell that I am, so I'm literally writing you that I'm half-laughing as I'm typing this.)

Sorry. I'm ranting. I will certainty rant in coming letters, but for my first one, I had planned to keep it short and light.

Before I go, you may have noticed I haven't even introduced myself with a name. This is no mistake. I don't plan to; I only mean to address this possible observation should you be a detail-oriented person.

My name is not in my will to reveal. My age we already discussed. My sex, well, I don't see how it's relevant, but I'll let you guess.

Got to go. I have a movie night planned with my brother.

It was nice to meet you, you lovely stranger.

Yours Truly,


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