A Witch in the Basement

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Mahahaha!!! AWWWW!!!!!!! WHO'S THERE!!! AWWWW!!!! Huh aww great it was just a dream! But something is wrong with this dream! I had the same dream last night I've had it over and over again. CHASH!!! Mom is that you? Mom? Mahaha! Awww! (Creak) Who's there? I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!! AWWW PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I will give you one chance but then I will kill you and your whole family! Then everything went Black.


I feel dead but I am still alive. I wake up in my bed there, is my whole family and the doctor. I wake up with a scream! Your okay darling. Said my mom. Someone was in the house someone said that they were going to kill ME!! And my whole... Your whole what sweety? Said my dad. Oh umm nothing. Well who was it sweety? Asked my Grandma. I don't know I couldn't see who it was. AWWW!! Is that my BLOOD? Yes sweety you kida got a very big cut on your leg and well here is the knife. Mom it is covered in blood! Yes it isbut... MOM! Were is the cut? oh well it is right on you back. Oh so that is why it is very wet down there! Oh sweety I'm sorry umm I wrped it and well I guess I didn't do a good job. Sorry. Oh Mom it is okay. Um can I have a few minutes alone? Please. Oh sure hunny we'll be back in like 30 minutes? Sure. Okay Bye sweety. Then I fell asleep when I woke up I was in a Hosptal bed not my own bed. Mom? Oh sweety are you okay? Yes I'm fine were am I? Oh you are in the Hospital. Why am I here? Oh well you kind of bleed too much. Soooo. Ummm well the color of your blood wasn't normal. What color was it? Oh well it was Blue. WHAT!!! What does that mean? Does that mean I am dying? Well yes But you are already on the rode to recovery. So I won't Die? Yes you won't Die. Okay good when can I get out of here? Oh well in Two Three Day's and that is pretty good because you are dying. Oh well that is Great. Umm  I am going to bed.

That night I had a dream a very bad dream There I was in the same room as a beautiful young lady who's voice sounded very farmilular just like the one that was there on the day I was attached it said oh did I do this to you oops NOW GET OUT YOUR IN MY HOUSE THAT BASEMENT IS ALL MINE!!!!Hahahahaha! Guess what I am not done yet. So you need to go or else you will get it.

The very day I got out of the hospital I convinced my mom that we needed to move and we left and I tried SOOO hard to forget that day but it alway's stuck to me!!!!

P.s This si a real story! Hahahaha  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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