𝓔𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮𝓫𝓽

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Your body is frozen in place as you lay on the shallow bank of water from the creek below the hill. Your brain keeps turning on and off. You try to stay awake but all you can feel is your heartbeat pounding throughout your body, trying to keep you warm. "Claire!" You hear in the distance as you close your eyes. You open your eyes as a bright light shines on your face and you find yourself sitting on a hill watching the sun rise over a local beach you and your family used to go to when you were younger. You hop up off of the grass that was blowing in the wind. All the memories from your childhood started to come back to you. You started to make your way down the hill, as your feet touched the sand a warmness shot through your body. It was only yourself at the beach, with this it made it more peaceful and calming. You strolled to where the water came in contact with the sand leaving seashells and white foam behind as it made its way back to the sea. As you look at the sand you notice a blue and orange seashell that caught your eye, you crouch down to pick it up. When you pick it up a wave comes and touches your hand as you hold the seashell in your hand. A coldness moves through your body causing you to wake up from this memory.

You open your eyes and slowly look around you. You notice yourself in your bed at your house wrapped in a blanket. 'What am I doing here? I need to leave!'  You start to lift yourself out of your bed but let out a cry when you move your right leg. The noise causes someone to be woken up in the room, you look around once again and notice Sir Williams sitting on a chair rubbing his eyes. "Claire you are awake!" He says with a sleepy tone. "Indeed I am, why wouldn't I?" You mutter as you try to find the words to say. "I heard a splash at the creek at the bottom of the hill behind the stables, I ran as fast as I could. You must have rolled your ankle and banged your head because of Miss Miller. You were unconscious." He started with fear in his voice. You try and find words to reply with but the only one that filled your head was "Thank you" You didn't even know if he was worthy of being thanked, but then after all he did save your life.

Multiple weeks following the incident you knew you had to speak with your parents. The thought of walking since you hurt your ankle, worried you. ' Would the pain still be there?'  You thought as your feet dangled over the purple blanket that covered your bed. As you slide your bare feet onto the cold wooden floor, you get ready to wince and feel pain shoot throughout the whole of your body. But no, nothing. A smile formed spreading from cheek to cheek. You walk to your door, open it and step foot outside of your room. As you make your way down the stairs you hear faraway chatter and laughter. Your eye catches something out of the window on your left, so you stop in your place and look at what has caused you to lose focus. And there it was... "Sir Williams is giving my sisters riding lessons?!" You say to yourself as you let out a chuckle and continue to go downstairs.

You make your way into your family's drawing room where both your mother and father were acquainted in. "Claire, darling. You are walking." Your mother and father say with shock in their voice. "Indeed I am. I have come down here to discuss a situation with you both if you do not mind." You mutter as you were nervous about what they would say. "Yes, what seems to be bothering you dear?" your mother replies. "Did you both ask Sir Williams to marry me? Or was it your idea?" You blurt out. Your father and mother make eye contact and your father lets out a sigh. Silence filled the air as you wondered 'What on earth is going on?' "Ida and Rose both wrote a letter to him as he is a Duke. They were concerned that they would not have a chance to marry since it is the last thing that fills your mind these days." "Thank you for giving me the chance to ask you about it." You say as you walk off.

You decide to grab a book from a nearby shelf and go sit under the old maple tree to hide from the sun's rays. A few minutes flew past, you look up from the white creamy pages that consisted of another world hidden between a hardcover. You noticed a man walking towards you but couldn't quite figure out who it was, as the sun was right behind them. "Miss Miller, Sir Williams has told me to inform you that we will be leaving in a couple of moments." Sir Williams Butler states and walks away.

You make your way to the front courtyard and place yourself on a nearby seat and continue to read. Your eyes beamed at the adventure that occupied the pages of the book. As you move your arm to flick to the following page, you feel a hand gently placed on your shoulder. You place a leaf off of the table put it on your page and close the book. "What an interesting bookmark CeeCee." The male voice said behind you. As soon as you heard that nickname you turned around to see... "Louis Moore! I better not be dreaming." You say with joy. You get upfront the seat and you get surrounded by Louis's arms. He is a lot taller than you remember, you have not been acquainted with him for 5 years so he has changed. His hair was a dark brown that fell just above his green eyes as they shone like emeralds in the sun's light. "You are most certainly not dreaming. But I do think I am, as you look even more beautiful than when I saw you five years ago. I also notice that you are still wearing the necklace I gifted you before my family and I were advised of our trip to Italy." Louis said as he looked into your eyes. You start to fidget with the necklace and it feels like time stops whenever you are near Louis. Your thoughts got occupied by the sound of others. "The carriage is this way, Sir." Both you and Louis turn and become aware that both Sir Williams and his butler were on their way down the cobblestone path that was located in the middle of the courtyard. "Hello there, and you are?" Sir Williams questioned as he offered his hand out his hand to Louis. "The name is Louis Moore." He says shaking Sir William's hand. "We must be going now, Miss Miller. I hope you take care of yourself and I shall encounter you at the Fairview ball in a few days." Sir Williams announces as he gives you a friendly smile and he enters the door of his carriage. You stare in silence at him, as he is looking through the slightly tinted window that separates you and him. As the carriage drives away down the road that connects to your house, Louis speaks up and breaks the silence. "You and Sir Williams are acquainted? You know I dislike him with such ease." Those words hit you like a ton of bricks. 'Is it true what everyone is saying about him?' You walk back over to the table where you left your book, open the pages and carry on reading.

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