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You wake up with the sun gleaming through the lilac purple curtains as the sound of bluebirds flying past your window. As you get out of bed, the memories of last night fill your brain with the agreement that you had with Louis and how you told Sir Williams to leave you alone. You walk across the wooden floor and reach for your robe off of the pale pink chair that was in the corner of your room and you wandered to get breakfast.

The room was quiet, let alone the whole house was quiet. 'Where was Sir Williams?' "Excuse me, sir... Where is Sir Williams? He always dines with me at breakfast." You say with concern in your voice. Did your argument with Louis affect what you commented to Sir Williams? Did you mean it? The butler does not talk and silence crowded the room. "Sir Williams needed to take a moment to himself." The butler says without any more information. After breakfast, you get dressed in more sensible clothes and decide to go and read Wuthering Heights under your usual spot.

Many moments went past as you came to some of the final chapters of your book. As you look out around you the air was still, no wind blew the grass or trees. It was lovely but something had seemed off to you as soon as you asked the butler where Sir Williams was located. It seemed like he did not give you the full truth and left things out. Then it happened. One of the things you dread most with books, but also look forward to. Is the end. You hoist yourself off of the green lime-colored grass, that surrounded the hills and ground like when you have a blanket on your bed for a cold winter's day. You take a deep breath in as the air smells fresh and clean. You make your way to the stone-cold grey steps that lead to the back porch and remember when Sir Williams teased you for leaving your book under the tree, when in fact he had it the whole time. You let out a sigh and wonder where in heaven's name he could be.

You push open the dark oak door, that divided a world of reality and a world of fantasy. The library had a sunbeam peaking through the window at the top of the room. It was still and quiet. So quiet you could hear yourself breathing. As you ran your fingers across many book covers, one book caught your eye. You grabbed ahold of the spine and pulled it out from under seven or eight books that were piled on top of it. A thin layer of dust protected the cover, you blew it and the dust floated in the air and smoothly fell to the ground. The book's cover was navy blue with no title, that is what intrigued you the most. You made your way outside of the library and back to the tree. Just as you were about to sit down on the grass, a bark rang throughout your eardrums. You looked around and saw nothing, thinking that it was just your imagination. Another bark filled the silence, as you turn around once again you see a black dog running towards you with both a look of fear and worry in his eyes. You encounter the dog and notice he is wearing a collar. "Flint... How creative." You say as you let a chuckle out while having a sarcastic tone.

Flint barked again and the noise rang through your ears. It is like he was signaling you to go somewhere. "Lead me." You whisper to the dog as if he can understand you. It seemed like he could as when you spoke those words he started to run. He ran and stopped in front of a forest that was a few minutes away from Sir William's house. Flint sat there, like a statue debating to go inside the forest. The trees were so tall that you could not see the tops of them from underneath. "Why are we h-" As soon as you were about to finish the sentence you hear a faint neigh of a horse. "Flint take me to the horse." You spoke to the dog. Flint was scared, his take was tucked in between his legs and you were trying to prepare yourself for what you were going to see. You push a thick tree branch out of your way and your eyes are located, "Peter!" you yell. You never call Sir Williams by his first name but thought this moment it was fine. You run up to him as he is sitting up on a rock, he looked tired and worn out. "Peter? Are you okay? What happened?" You question, as you sat down next to him and grabbed ahold of his hand. His hands were as cold as ice. "Cl-a-ir-e, I..-" He tried to speak with the leftover energy that his body was holding on to. "Do not speak, Can you stand?" You ask and he replies with a slight head nod. You grab him around his waist, but when you touch his ribs he winces at the pain, as he holds his head. ' Be careful Claire, he hurt his rib you do not want to muck this up again.' You help him stand to his feet as you try not to hurt him anymore. You hear a faint neigh again. "Lily? Is that you?" You yell and pairs of hooves come clumping your way. A white head of a horse pokes through a set of bushes. "Lily, come here girl." You speak to the horse with a calm voice even though you have so many mixed emotions about what is happening.

You help Sir Williams up onto Lily's back and lead him and the horse out of the forest. The mansion soon came in sight. It got bigger and bigger until you both arrived. You tell Sir Williams to stay on Lily, as you rush to the front door of the house and yell for help. Two of Sir William's maid's come running out with the butler following close behind. "You... You did this." Sir Williams muttered as he used the rest of this energy to speak and point at the butler. " I have no idea in the world what he is talking about, he must have hit his head hard." The butler states as he helps Sir Williams off of the horse. "I can take it from here." You boss to the butler. "Take Lily back to the stables." Your order. 'How did he know that Sir Williams hurt his head?' 'Is Sir Williams right with what he said to the butler? You think as you help Sir Williams up the front steps and into the house.

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