𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷

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Your eyes fluttered open as a breath of warm air touched the palm of your hand. Your body jolted up, as your sleepy eyes scanned the room. The air had a scent of vanilla and leather. An odd combination, but you thought nothing of it. Your eyes studied the dark oak wooden walls and little details in the cabinets, your tiresome brain suddenly began to have enough brain power to participate in a mathematics quiz, as the puzzle started to make sense. You turned halfway to your right and that's when it happened.

Your brown eyes locked with a pair of hazel eyes. "Good morning Miss Miller, but may I ask what are you doing in my room?" "Um.. you-you hurt yourself. That- That's why I am here." You muttered remembering very clearly what happened the night before. "Miss Miller, I have never felt better since that night's sleep, but you on the other hand look like you had a nightmare." He got up when he started talking and noticed he was perfectly fine, with no cuts or bandages on him. What is going on? That was all just a dream? It felt so real. "Yes... I-I-I just need a bit of fresh air." You as you pull yourself off of the seat that was opposite Sir Williams. " Thank you, Peter, I mean Sir Williams." You kept muttering on. A smile was drawn onto his face as he let out a little laugh. "See you at breakfast Claire Miller, remember the Fairview ball is tonight. Sir Williams said as you let yourself out of his room. "The ball has already been, I saved Peter from the woods, and I told him to leave me alone for once in my life," You talk to yourself as you walk down the hallway that is occupied with maids getting ready for the Fairview ball.

You almost enter the dining room, but your eyes catch your reflection in a nearby mirror. You walk up to the mirror that has a silver border around it. You glide your hands across your face a let out a huge sigh. You were still confused about how this was all a dream and how did it feel so real. You carry on walking and one of the maids ask, "Are you ready for the ball tonight dear?" "I would entirely hope that I am." You say as you smile at her. As your walk, you encounter the dark oak door that divided a world of reality and a world of fantasy. The library had a small sunbeam showing through a window at the top of the room, just like in your dream. You enter the room and the floor boards creak underneath you as you place one foot in front of the other and come into contact with some books you ran your fingers across the spines of them. The moment was lovely until you immediately took your hand off the books. "This is becoming too much like my dream." You whisper. "I wonder if the book from my dream is here?" You say as you gase the room. You walked to the wooden desk that was placed in the middle of the room with towers of books looking down at you and the desk. There were about seven or eight books piled on top of this navy blue book. As you pulled it out from underneath the other books, a piece of paper fell onto the floor boards, you put your mind away from the book but start to get intrigued by the paper.

There must have been a window slightly open as when you beat it down it flew to the other side of the room. This is stupid, I feel like a cat trying to catch a ball of yarn. You thought to yourself as you let out a slight laugh. A laugh entered the room, and it was not yours. "You look like a cat trying to catch a ball of yarn." Sir Williams boomed as he couldn't keep a hold of his laughter. Those words were just what you thought of not even a second before, you feel your cheeks getting red and a smile crept along your face as you looked in the direction of Sir Williams.

He started to walk up to you. "May I see that piece of paper Miller?" He spoke as he had his hand out. At that moment the sensible thing would have been to give it to him without any hassle, but that is not what you did. "Only if you can catch it." You say with a massive grin on your face as your race out the door. As you run down the hallway you keep looking back to see if Sir Williams is following, a foot exits the door of the library and you see him. Your goal is set to keep the paper as long as you can. You turn around a corner on your left and stick your head around to see if Sir Williams was behind you. To your surprise, he vanished. You turn around and your heart jumps out of your chest. "Oh, dear do not do that to me." You say holding your chest. "The paper Claire." He said as his hand was out once again. You place the paper behind your back and look deep into his eyes. "Claire, you must know if you do not intend on dancing with me tonight at the ball then the paper is all yours." Sir Williams said as he started to walk away. You wanted that dance, well you weren't too sure. "Sir Williams." You speak and he stops walking. "Yes," he says with his back still facing you. "What on earth makes you think that I would want to dance with you?" You fling back at him. "Oh dear Miller, have it your way. But as you know that piece of paper is my property so you may not read it without my consent." He bossed. "Argh fine, have it your way." And you place the paper in his hand and walk to breakfast.

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