•chapter one• (The fight)

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Finny Blake woke up laid down on his living room floor. His dad sat down in the kitchen table with his newspaper. His two sister asleep still. As he walked up the stairs to wake them up. ''Melissa wake up your gonna make everyone late.'' Finny said lightly shaking her body and she groaned rubbing her eyes. ''I'm up Finny make sure Gwen's up and ready I'll make breakfast.''. Melissa said sitting up and getting up out of bed heading to her wardrobe . She chose a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt. By the time she made it down stairs everyone else was already sat down. She never bothered speaking with her father in the morning the last thing any of the Blake children wanted was a morning beating before school.

Melissa made breakfast making sure she rushed her sibling as the time wasn't ticking any slower and it was approaching the time that they all needed to set off for school. There bags where all grabbed from the floor of the hall and with that they where off. They didn't live to far away from school so the walk never bothered them and even if it did bother them they'd still have to put up with it .

They where maybe a few minutes away from school when a big crowd where all shouting ''fight fight fight.'' It was Robin. Robin was best friends with both finny and Melissa. And my god was Robin the second best fighter in the school Vance Hopper was first. Robin was fighting Moose everyone at there school all thought Moose was a big shit talker and somebody like Robin aught to show him a lesson . The whole reason this fight actually happened was because Moose decided it would be funny to say a lot of things about Melissa talking about her body and her looks and how she was so hot. Robin wasn't the type of boy to have crushes but then again Melissa was any girl to Robin. Robin would always compare her to an angel. So when Moose decided he had the right to talk on her name he had the right to teach him a lesson.

They where both stood Moose wasn't holding back. Robin was shorter than Moose not by a lot but he was still shorter than him . But Moose was all talk and he always only spoke about people who wouldn't do him any harm. ''We'll do something then.'' Robin said egging on Moose. When Moose took a swing for Robin everyone got a shock. But we everyone already knew Robin would win. He was swinging for him kicking Moose laid down on the floor. The was too much blood to know if it was coming from Moose or if it was from Robin's bloody knuckles.

Finny pulled me and Gwen away. ''Finny let me just go find Robin he needs cleaning up.'' Melissa said she said bye to Gwen and told her to have a good day at school.

''Hey Robin.'' Melissa said snapping the boy out of his gaze. ''Hey Meli. Did h see the fight.'' He asked looking down at his hands and the duck tape he had in his hands. ''Yea I saw he must have really pissed you off.'' Melissa said Robin laughing. ''He did he's a prick and deserved what he got.'' Melissa agreed with him. Moose had bullied Melissa for years she never told anyone if Robin would have known about that he'd of hit Moose a million times more and harder. She felt embarrassed about it. Like the time when she had gone for a walk and he had seen her and tackled her to the floor pushing her face in the dirt. Moose may of found Melissa hot but he hates her with a passion because she turned him down when he asked her out. ''You need to clean your hand come on.'' Melissa said dragging Robin by his hand into the girls bathroom. Barely any girls ever went in there and especially not at 7:45 in the morning when school doesn't start until 8:00.

She took one hand and running it under the tap before grabbing the first aid kit which was in the bottom of the sink. Getting out a bandage and wrapping his knuckles around in it. Taking the duck tape he had and securing the bandage into place. She place the first aid kit back away and smiled. ''There , you really should be careful when you get into fights your gonna get expelled one day.'' ''Moose deserved what he got and as long as I try with my grades and not get caught having fights I'll be fine meli. Stop worrying about me.'' ''I'm always going to worry about you. Because if u get kicked out of school who's gonna be my science partner huh.'' Melissa said laughing.

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