•chapter two•(donna and finny)

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Period 5 last lesson of the day.
Science last period was the worst lesson to have last. It was so boring and dragged on for so long it felt like being in prison. ''Okay class for next weeks lessons we will be working in pairs for a class project.'' Mr jones said. ''Now you can all choose your own partners and will be working with each other for the rest of the week. I want this project completed by Friday for the class presentation if it is not done you will fail. So pick your partners and move seats.'' He finished the room now filling up with everyone's voice.

''Hey finny do you need a partner.'' Donna finny's crush asked. Every time they spoke finny studded and blushed. ''Um no no I mean yeah I need a partner.'' He said turning a shade of pink. The sight made Melissa laugh. ''Hey meli need a partner.'' Robin said stopping her laughing. ''Oh um yea yea.'' She said having the same reaction as her brother did. She'd never admit how big her crush was on Robin. ''Okay I hope your good a science. Well at least better than me.'' ''Finny's the brains of the family not me. It'll be fine as long as we study and get the project done.''

School had ended every Friday Gwen went to her friends house Suzy's. So that meant Melissa and Finny where left to look after there drunken father. ''So tomorrow me and Robin are going to be getting ready for the project do you and Donna wanna come. I've already asked Donna and she said that's fine with her and that she's free.'' ''Oh yeah I'll be there I'm definitely going to beat you in the project I'm the best at space.'' ''Yea with your little nerdy space pyjamas.'' ''There better than your ones.''

The whole walk home the pair has argued about space and pyjamas. And who was better. But they knew by now it was better for them to walk in silent and not making to much noise there dad didn't handle things the best way that he could. Shoes where placed on the shoe rack bags tossed on the floor of their bedroom floors. They headed in the kitchen grabbing a drink and snack taking it back into the living room so they could watch cartoons. Terrance there father sat in the kitchen on the chair. Reading another newspaper. ''Hi dad.'' Melissa said her tone was quite but just loud enough so you could hear. ''Hi. is Gwen at her friends.'' ''Yea she's coming home tomorrow.'' Her father gave a nod before going back to reading. ''Is he drunk yet.'' ''Not drunk but he's had a few. We just need to stay away from him and keep quite like we always do and where going to be fine.''

That night me and finny had brought down our quilts from our bedroom so we could stay down later and watch some films. We ended up watching this horror. Finny didn't enjoy it but neither did Melissa the blood wasn't either of there favourite thing.

(Sorry this chapter is really short hopefully they get longer also thank you for everyone who reads this ❤️❤️❤️)

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