•chapter four•(Monday)

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For the rest of the weekend Melissa was dreading Monday. Things where only going to get worse. She spent the whole of Saturday trying to convince Robin to leave it and that he'd only make matters worse. But Robin being himself wouldn't let it go. He made a promise he'd stay with her anytime that he could and that nobody would touch her again. She wasn't so sure about that though.

Getting ready that Monday morning was the worst. Her nerves where high and she couldn't get her mind off it. She couldn't even eat. Finny noticed how odd and nervous she was acting. ''Mel. What's up why are you being so weird.'' He said whispering so there dad didn't hear and want to know. ''Finny I'm fine it's nothing I just feel a bit sick.'' She lied and finny knew she was lying but decided not to pressure her into saying anything more.

The walk to school she dreaded the most. And Robin stuck to his word. ''Fight. Robin and Moose are fighting again.'' ''What. Mel come on.'' Finny grabbing her arm dragging her along . ''So you think it's funny to constantly bully someone do you.'' ''And you think your gonna win fight two.'' ''I know I will I'll kick your ass any day.'' ''Try me then.'' This time Robin threw the first punch right in his face. Then kicking Moose down to the floor so he couldn't move. Robin won the fight everyone's faces where in shock. Shock because of how good Robin could fight.

Everybody headed to there first lesson. Melissa was in a lesson with Robin. Which was science. Robin had chucked a note over to her.

''Meli he's not gonna mess with you anymore.'' Melissa ignored the note not looking back at Robin but throwing it back to him. ''Your not mad at me meli are you.''
''No i just wish you wouldn't have got into a fight with him.''
''I'm always going to look out for you even if that means I have to fight a million people.''
''Thank you Robin.<3.''
''I love you meli. Anyways me and finny and meeting to go see a movie my uncles taking us you wanna come.''
''Sure. Does finny know I'm coming.''
''Yep. Shit teachers looking don't write back until she writes on the board again.''
''Right get on with your work but see you after school.''

This happened often between the two writing notes to each other in class. The bell rang for second period. Melissa had English with Donna. Finny and Robin had maths.

*finny and Robin in maths*.
''Did Mel say yes to coming tonight.''
''Yep. She's still mad at me for fighting Moose but he deserved it.''
''What did he even do.''
''He was just shit talking.''
''Mhm.'' ''You should just ask Mel out she's not gonna turn you down I know I live with her I've read her diary.''
''She's wrote about me.''
''She's wrote about a boy and from the description it sounds a lot like she's talking about you.''
''See but your not one hundred percent sure of that.''
''I'll bring her diary tonight without her knowing then you can read it for yourself.''
''If she finds out I'm not taking the blame.''

*Melissa and Donna.*
''Did you see the fight this morning.''
''Yeah. I hate when he fights people he's gonna get himself kicked out one day.''
''If that happens your still gonna see him and who knows maybe a new school might help him more.''
''He wouldn't go to school without finny or me being there.''
''Well then he best hope mr jones doesn't find out about the fight. He's apparently already on Robin about his grades .''
''Yea he is his uncle comes in for meetings to see if there's anything the school or he can do to help change Robin.''
''At least there trying to help.''
''It's not working though.''

Lessons went by fast. And just like that school finished. Gwen finny and Melissa all walked home together. There dad was bound to be drunk like he always was. The all silently crept in the house. He was asleep on his arm chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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