•chapter three•(project )

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Melissa woke up still asleep on the floor finny must have already have woken up as he wasn't there but his quilt was. Finny never woke up late he always woke up early and was really good at not waking anyone else in the house up. Melissa walked into the kitchen finny was making French toast. There father sat just as he did everyday. With his newspaper and cup of coffee. ''Morning dad. Morning finny. Is Gwen back yet.'' I asked not noticing her back home yet or any signs of her bag. ''She's going out with Suzy and her parents for a bit and then there dropping her off home.'' Finny said there dad didn't answer he just sat there not paying attention or at least if he was you couldn't tell.

Finny and Melissa had finished breakfast when the phone rang. ''Hi.'' Melissa said unsure on who it was. ''Hey meli. Was just wondering if we where meeting today to sell study for the project.'' It was Robin she new the second he called her meli he was the only person she ever let call her that name. ''Yeah we can I'll get ready and we could meet at the library if that's okay with you.'' She said smiling on the other line. Spending time with Robin excited her he always made her happy and laugh and new how to cheer her up after she's had a bad day or not being feeling to great. ''See you there meli.''

Melissa wore a slight shorter length top with some basic dark blue jeans. Her hair wore in a low ponytail and she had put on some mascara . ''Bye finny I'm going to study with Robin at the library I'll be back soon.'' ''Bye Mel be careful.'' Finny always liked to make sure his sibling where okay so every time before any of them left the house he would always ask them to be carful or if they'd be okay going to wherever it was on there own. Melissa loved her brother and how much he really did care for her and look out for her even if it wasn't the type of boy to throw a punch or start a fight. He had his ways of looking out for those he cares dearly about.

Melissa was walking on to the library when she saw Moose stood there with a few of his other friends. She couldn't have ran into him at a worser time she was all on her own. ''Oh look who it is little Melissa Blake all in her own.'' Moose said laughing at the fear that was on her face. ''Move out my way Moose.'' ''How about no. Your little boyfriend is the reason I've got a broken nose and you think I'm going to let that slide.'' ''I didn't make him fight you. I didn't break your nose I didn't do anything.'' ''Do I look like I care I've got a broken nose and someone's gonna pay for it and it just so happens to be you.'' Moose pushed Melissa on the floor ragging hold of her hair laughing at the tears forming in her eyes. ''Aww the little baby's crying.'' He mocked whispering in her ear sending shivers down her spine.'' After he taunted her enough he got up and left. Melissa was sat on the floor hair a mess tears forming out of her eyes. She didn't understand why she's crying this wasn't something new this happened all the time.

When she got to the library Robin was sat down looking through some books that they where given that Friday to study. ''Sorry it took so long for me to get here.'' She said sitting down next to him smiling even though her eyes where puffy and still had water in them. ''Hey. Meli what's wrong.'' Robin always knew when something was up with her and normally she told him but this time telling him would just make things even worse. ''Nothings wrong I'm fine.'' She lied rubbing her eyes and smiling at him as a way to try convince him. ''Meli I know you and I know when somethings up you can tell me anything.'' ''If I tell you things are going to be worse and more problems are gonna happen.'' Robin moved closer placing his hand on her shoulder. ''Meli tell me. I can help you.'' ''The reason it took so long was because when I was walking I ran into Moose and because you broke his nose he blamed me.'' ''Meli he didn't touch you did he.'' Melissa didn't reply to him her eyes watering back up god she's such a baby always relying on Robin to help her . ''Meli did he touch you.'' She nodded lightly looking away from Robin. ''Just he wait he's going to have more than a broken nose. It wasn't your fault I'm sorry Meli he shouldn't of taken it out on you it was me who did it. Meli he's never gonna touch you again.'' ''Robin don't. You did something before and he took it out on me again.'' ''Again?.'' Robin didn't know that Moose had done things like this and worse to Melissa before. ''Just that little prick wait until school god he's never gonna mess with you again.

After that the studying wasn't as nice as it could have  been Robin was angry. Melissa nervous about what was going to happen. She only prayed Robin would forget or Moose wouldn't turn up on Monday for school.

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