Loki realizes his true idenity.

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             With the intense adrenaline coursing through his veins, slight determination and most of all, curiosity—there were two questions spinning around in his head, either he had been lied to his entire life or simply his mind had played tricks on him. Loki, as was well-known as the son of Odin—and brother of Thor, was ready to see if he was right; all those countless, sleepless nights—he had spent, racking his brain on if he drank too much alcohol that day, ate a certain something or there was a spell casted on his mind? Was he simply losing his demeanor and letting his guard down? Loki had too many questions—but this simple touch could bring closure, and let all those sleepless nights finally go to rest.

With a shaky touch and sweat glands lightly dusting the inner areas of his hands, Loki approached the casket. A cerulean; cyan glow reflecting in his eyes. The slight wobble he had in his step as his body slowly came up to it, arms coming out, and hands enclosing on the handles. Loki felt the need to run, run so far yet so fast. He didn't want to face the truth—if he truly was what he feared as a child. If Odin had lied to him, to keep him from knowing what he was truly brought here to do. If..Odin had lied because Thor was the favorite. No. Loki trusted him. He was brought into this family—as an equal. An equal next to Thor. The two were quiet similar.

Loki shook off the thoughts. Fluttering his eyes shut and taking a deep inhale. His fingers wrapped around the handles, a clang of metal dancing in his ears as the casket was lifted with his strength.

His eyes gazed down, meeting with the biggest fear of his life. He had been lied to. The blue skin that was engraved in his mind from that day, that he saw, was now infront of him—slowly crawling up into his veins, and flooding the once—tan human skin Loki owned.

"STOP!" The castle shook, an empowered voice shaking the halls where Loki stood. The man didn't let it affect him—he'd simply been too mad—too sad—and most of all, betrayed.

With a small metal clank, Loki set down the casket, letting the sound ring in his ears. He swallowed a lump of anxiety in his throat, "What. Am i?"

Was all Loki asked. Odin was ataken back—shocked at the sentence that emerged from his son's mouth.

"You..are my son," Odin stood tall, confident in his response. He couldnt keep lying to Loki. But it had to be done.

His body shifted—facing his once father. Loki's heart was shattered—defeated—betrayed. The god of mischief had been lied to his whole life. The god of LIES had been lied to. About who and where he originated from.

The blue that Loki had been engraved in his mind, that was once on his hands—enveloped his arms, neck and head. Dusting his cheekbones with a darker midnight blue—ombréing into an ultramarine.

"What. more than that?" He snarled.

With the faint footsteps of Loki filling the silent hallway air, his expression was distorted—filled with pure and utter betrayal.

"The casket wasnt the only thing you took from the Jotunheim that day, was it?" Long—brutally quiet footsteps confirmed Lokis feelings.

The stare between the two was continuous—and unbroken. It could practically be cut with a knife; the tension in the air so thick.

Odin sat in silence, letting Loki approach the throne. The man letting his one eye follow Loki's figure.

With the anticipating feeling of what came next, Odin feared the questions Loki had stored in his head, whether it'd be about his mother or where he came from. Why was he lied to? Or simply—Why did he live in Thor's shadow his entire life?

As Lokis footsteps came to end, he haulted by the beginning of the stairs. Odin began to tell the story of Loki's origin, "No. In the aftermath of battle, I ventured to the top of the temple. And i found a baby. Small—for a giant's offspring. Abandoned—suffering—left to die. Laufey's son. [Laufeyson]." His story was cut mid-way by Loki.

"Laufey's son?" He asked, eyes venturing off into the distance. Tears welding at the hem of his eyelids, vision flickering back to Odin.

"Yes." Was all Odin replied with.

Loki began to break down. Face contouring into a sad expression—mouth trembling and tears began to threathen to fall down, eyebrows furrowing—as both anger and sadness filled his figure. Loki's eyes shifted between Odin and the staircase beneath him.

"..Why!?" He desperately attempted to ask, eye contact not being made. "You were knee-deep in Jotun blood..why would you take me—?"

"—You were an innocent child," Odin interrupted, hoping to change Loki's mind.

"No. You took me for a purpose," Loki began, "What was it?" The man began to breathe heavily—anger overcoming the past sadness he felt.

Odin sat in silence as he saw his son began to break. His heart sunk as Loki began to raise his voice.

"TELL ME!!!!" Loki yelled from the top of his lungs, his weeping voice contoured into a raspy; anger-filled one. Tears began to fall quickly, this side of Loki showing only once in Odin's life.

Odin began to speak calmly, "I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day and bring about an alliance and bring about permanent peace. Through you—"

Lokis chest rose and fell, his eyes squinting as tears fell. "—Wh?!"

"—But those plans no longer matter."

By this point, Loki's jaw was dropped. His heart was beyond shattered in millions of pieces. Loki was lied to, repeatedly. And lived within shadows his whole life—he favoured his brother for equality. Loki was towered upon and pushed away, simply because of his species. His own "father", whom was supposed to protect him—favour him—and love him, had to lied to him for the sake of "saving him from the truth"?! Loki was infuriated. He was fuming.

"So i am no more than just another stolen relect—locked up, here and for you to have use of me?—" Loki was beginning to shake.

"—Do not twist my words—"

"You could of TOLD me what i was from the beginning! WHY didnt you!?" Loki's fists balled up, barring his teeth to his once father.

"You're my son. I wanted to protect you from the truth," Odins voice softly filled the tension air. Loki was not having it.

Loki began to stutter, "Wh-Why?! Because I-I-I-I I am the monster who parents tell their children about at night!?" His voice returned to a weeping.


"Now it all makes sense now!" Loki quickly became enraged, anger overpowering his mind, "Why you favoured Thor, ALL THESE YEARS, BECAUSE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU CLAIM TO LOVE ME!—" Loki began to walk up the stairs—pointing at his chest, Odin began to collapse.


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