9| 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚

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Ni's POV;
I woke up early this morning and got dressed, while waiting for Z by the door. I talked with him and dropped him off at his little friend group, before walking over with my brother.
"Yo." He said. I waved at him and we walked down the hall together, talking about what had happened yesterday.
"How is Destoroyah?" I asked. His expression was neutral, but I could tell he was unhappy. Destiny was one of his best friends for life anyways, the two were glued together when they were small. They've been falling out recently, but he's always there for emotional support.
He shook his head.
"She's not good. I don't even think she's coming out of her room today anyways." My head dropped and I was left over with a wave of sadness. I dont know why, but it was a feeling I had never experienced before. I guess it shows how much I really do care about people, though Manda was out of the picture.
"That bad?" I said. He looked at me and nodded his head.
"Well, keep me updated on anything that happens."
"Sure. Destiny will probably text me anyway."
We walked towards our group and there were the others. Biollante, Titano, Manda... the others were Destiny and Ichi, but he was with me and she was in her room, so we had a small clique today.
"Hey." I said, waving at the others. Bio was obnoxiously chewing gum, but she waved back and gave a small, cheeky smile. Manda was typing on her phone not even paying attention to the situation, it didnt even seem like she remembered anything.
"Manda, can I talk to you, privately?" I asked. She looked up from her phone and nodded softly before shoving it in her coat pocket and I took her into the library.
"You know what you did." I said, in a stern and controlling voice. She looked at me and crossed her arms, clearly annoyed with the situation. I had a feeling she knew what really happened, but she still tried to play innocent.
"Excuse me?" She said, looking at me like I just violated her.
"Don't play dumb, Manda. I'm not stupid."
"I didnt say you were?"
"Shut up."
I was getting rightfully pissed at her because she was playing dumb like she always does. It was so annoying and I was so ready to punch her in the face, but I'm too nice to that.
"What happened, really?" I said, crossing my own arms. She laid back on the wall and looked anywhere but my eyes. It was embarrassing.
"I told you. He kissed me first." Now, she was losing that puppy tone in her voice. And thank god, because I would rather see her fired up and angry than her as a little UwU kind of girl.
"That's not what Destoroyah told me." I said to her.
"Really? What did she tell you?"
"She told me that she caught you kissing another guy, with your arms around his waist and your eyes closed."
She rolled her eyes at me in disbelief, and she scoffed in her own defeat.
"Well, then she saw wrong!" Manda screamed at me and she was getting fired up. It was funny seeing her so annoyed.
"She's not stupid, and neither am I." She looked at me and rolled her eyes one more time. "What happened?"
She was getting pissed at the fact that she was getting caught with her actions. There was nothing she could do, as long as someone had evidence. But that was the problem, none of us did have evidence. So we couldn't really rat her out.
"I'm not telling you." She said, She crossed her arms and did that HMPH! Sound they always make when they're flustered. I think she was getting turned on being confronted. That was the weirdest part.
"I know what happened." I said, for one final time trying to end the conversation. She looked up from her place in the ground to stare, with a horrified look on her face.
"You do? Really, then what happened?" I rolled my eyes and told her basically what Ichi told me. It was a repeat of what I had said before, but it was worth it because the look on her face was priceless. She stormed out of the library and slammed the door behind herself, me, walking out and seeing Ichi and the others bug-eyed at her response.
"What the hell did you do?" He said to me, I smiled in response.
"I talked to her about it."
"Well, clearly it wasn't subtle."
"She knows that I know what happened. And I'm gonna make sure she gets what she deserves."
"What do you mean by that?" Destiny asked me, looking up from her phone, her mascara running down her eyes. She was clearly just repairing from the events of a mental breakdown, which I would understand in her case.
"Don't worry." I said. "I wont hurt her."
She looked at me and rolled her eyes, looking back down at her phone. I turned back to my brother with a grin on my face, and my hands on my hips in success.
"Ni, if you beat her up, you're going to get in trouble." I rolled my eyes at him. Wasn't this expected by now? I dont know how he was going to tell me I shouldn't beat her up. Besides, I don't even care about getting in trouble. I'm so used to it anyways it doesn't phase me anymore.
"I won't." I said sarcastically.
I absolutely was going to. That... bitch, she hurt my friend and I'm going to make her pay for it. I had made them all pay for it, and now it was her turn. That probably sounds really edgy.
The bell rang and we all scurried off to our classes. Ichi gave Destiny a hug and they split ways down the hall. I watched Z go into his classroom and shut the door behind him. I knew I wasn't going to see him until lunch. Meanwhile, I walked into my first class. Math was something I never enjoyed, but it was tolerable. Hey, at least I passed with all A's in high school. I just barely made it into this hellhole.
The bell rang and I walked out to my locker, still seeing Z trapped inside that small, claustrophobic honors room. Thank god I was never gifted enough to get into one of those, it takes away your learning time and removes you from your subjects. It's stupid. After I put my things away, I went over and found Ichi, seeing what he had out of Destiny.
"Anything happen?" I asked. He looked down at me and shook his head. Disappointing.
"Aww. Do I still have a reason to beat up Manda?" I said, cracking my knuckles. He sighed in disappointment and looked at me, while rolling his eyes. His eyes were white, but somehow I knew he was getting annoyed at me.
"Ni, you cannot keep being so aggressive." He said, "You've got to learn that just because someone does something that you dont like, doesn't mean you get to hurt them." He added.
"Are you kidding me?" I said, annoyed. "She literally ruined Destiny's life!"
"Okay, AND?"
My mouth was gaping, wide open in shock and defeat. Ichi was literally her best friend, how could he say something like that? Well, his loss, because I can easily tell Destiny this info.
"You are unbelievable." I said, and stormed off down the hall. I was rancid, and I'm going to make Manda pay whether Ichi likes it or not. Besides, even I'm closer to becoming Dest's best friend. She clings to me more than usual.
The bell rang and I was forced to make a U-turn back to the hall, and I stumbled in the classroom reluctantly. Sometimes. I wonder, what do the kids in the honors class think? When they hear the bell ring, do they sigh in relief that they're halfway done, or do they groan in defeat when they realize they still have 50 minutes of unbelievable torture left?
Beats me.
Whatever, I'll try to repair Dest and Manda's relationship. I could easily manipulate Dest into thinking Manda was a horrible excuse for a girlfriend, and that she would be better off on her own, but I'm not that kind of person. I'm too nice to do that, though. But there is one person I do where I'm not nice and I'd do it to.

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