One-on-one talk

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"Any doubts so far?" Aby asked everyone as she showed us the last slide for the 110 slide PPT. I noted down the points that I thought were important enough. It's been a week since I have been working here and to my luck, Shaw has been out of state for a week. I haven't seen him since Monday and it's the next Monday now. The week went by pretty smoothly. The classes have been long but I was able to understand everything and they were quite interesting. I made several friends, Mia, Sophia, and Mark were the closest and I talk to everyone. I didn't start the conversation with anyone because let's face it, I am not the most confident girl in the world. I was not like this always. In university, I was a different person. I was carefree and confident. I enjoyed talking to new people but ever since falling into depression, I have totally changed. Now even thinking about talking to someone new makes me sweat.

The door to the room opened abruptly and all of us looked at who it was. My heartbeat picked up pace when I saw Shawnel coming in through the large doors in his silk brown tux looking handsome as ever. His hair was all combed back, he had a light beard just enough to make him look clean and sexy. Why does he have to be so good-looking?

I had to sit in the front row, didn't I?

He came and stood beside Aby and immediately took off his famous black leather gloves and placed them on the podium beside him. The close proximity this time gave me a whiff of his scent. So similar. His scent is still the same. It still gives me goosebumps all over my body. His eyes swiftly landed on me. He looked at me like he wanted to hit me with his watch or something. I was about to melt off and crawl out of the room but soon he started talking.

"Hello everyone. I was in Milan, meeting our very new client. It has been a pleasure to tell you all that we have an amazing opportunity coming our way. Another star has joined hands with us. And now, I would like for all of you to work even harder than before. We will have some more clients joining us in the coming months and by the time your training ends we will have 20 new clients with us in our family." He said and everyone clapped, while I kept my hands securely pressed on the table. I don't care what anyone thinks, I am not clapping for that man.

"I was not able to have a one-on-one talk with all of you last week so let's start now." He said with a huge smile on his face and only I can tell how fake that smile was. Wait. What? One-on-one talk? No.

I can't have a one-on-one talk with this guy. He will throw me out of the office if I said anything remotely rude.

Shaw was out of the hall in a swift motion and all of us including Aby were left in a daze. I looked over at Mia who gave me a sad look.

"Babe, are you okay?" Sophia asked me from behind to which I just nodded and looked down at my desk. Just a year Ember, you are here for just a year.

I knocked on the glass door in front of me. I looked at the board that hung on the large door. Shawnel King: CEO. I signed hard before I grabbed the large handle and pushed open the door and my legs already gave up. I literally supported myself and hung through the door handle as I dragged myself inside the large amazing smelling room. The room looked like a hotel. A black huge couch at the right. A flat-screen TV at the left. A huge desk with a name board in the center and behind there were glass walls that showed the amazing 7th-floor view.

And on the huge desk was sitting like a model, Shawnel. He was flipping through some papers and was totally concentrated on whatever it was on them. At first, I thought I shouldn't say anything but I don't think my legs will work that long, and plus I am in heels. I cracked an "ahem" to grab his attention and sure enough, he was looking at me now with the papers still in his hands. I could mark a line with his jawline. My heartbeat picked pace again and is going rip through my chest and fall out on the naked floor while it is still pumping with mad speed.

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