I Hate Myself

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I looked at him, heaving with anger and frustration. My chest was going up and down while he still had his death grip on my arm. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but to no avail, and I was left feeling frustrated. "Didn't you hear me? Let me go this instant." I said getting close to his face and trying to intimidate him, but he had other plans or something. The moment my face went closer to his, a smirk appeared on his lips. As if he was challenging me to bring my face closer to his. He was asking me to try that stunt while I knew that it was just another round of heartbreak, hurt, and lots and lots of tears. I brought my face back to where it originally was. "What happened, Miss Hill? Not feeling brave enough anymore?

His comment taunted me way more than it should've. I took a deep breath, mustered all the energy I had left in me, and pushed him off of me. He stumbled back while holding that smirk on his lips. His hands were now on his sides, and he looked at me with a strange mix of emotions. Evil, hungry, and a whole lot of angry. His legs slowly started making their way towards me. My eyes widened at this, and immediately I put my right hand in front of his face. "Enough," I said loudly. "This," I said while outlining the distance between him and me with my hands. "This is the accepted distance that you have to maintain. Don't even try to come closer than this." I said while pointing at him.

"Excuse me?" I think that did it. From all the years that I have been with him, the guy hates one thing to his core, and that is being told to maintain a distance. His point was simple: he maintains a huge gap between himself and other people, and if anyone were to tell him to not get close, he would take that word to his deathbed. He has a serious attitude and right now I just called him off on his entire existence. While I don't regret saying any of it, I did tell him to keep his distance from me, and he went ahead and kissed me without my permission. I should have kicked his balls but I just slapped him, and I was scared for sure now.

"What did you just say to me?" He said while taking small, intimate steps towards me while I was backing up towards the wall. "I-I said to keep an arm's distance from me," I repeated myself in a low voice while still moving backward and finally feeling the wall on my back. He stood tall in front of me. His scent and his aura captured me. His eyes. His deep brown eyes looked into mine and made me tingle all over. He isn't even touching me but the butterflies made my stomach their home.

"And what if I don't?" He asked in a low and dark whisper. "I-I" I stammered while I looked down at his shoes. His index finger touched my chin and he forced me to look at his face. I hissed as soon as his finger made contact with my face and he visibly smirked, knowing full well he still had an effect on me and I hated that. Why was I so worked up over him? Why did I care so much about him still? How can he still give me the same tingly feeling? I hate myself, and I hate him.

"You what?" He asked, as his finger was still placed under my chin. "I will report you to HR." A smirk appeared on his face. "Okay then." Before I could understand what was happening, he grabbed my neck and slammed our lips together. Once again, the feeling of ecstasy captured me, and my hands were firmly pressed on his chest while his were roaming around my entire body and finally settled on my waist. My constant attempts to push him away were disregarded by his strong stature. My body gave in to his scent and the feeling danced around my entire body. My palms grabbed onto his shirt tightly and my lips started moving in rhythm with his. A small moan left my mouth and the next second I heard the animalistic growl that, to be honest, I had never heard before. Shaw never growled like this. And hearing this foreign sound from him while his hands were feeling my entire body, I had no power or will to stop. The feeling was both new and old. The feeling of being safe and yet the excitement I was feeling was off the charts. His hands grabbed my hips just like he used to while my palms were feeling his strong shoulders, his neck, and his defined jaw. Soon his lips left mine and he found his way to my neck.

Another low moan escaped my mouth as soon as his lips attached to my neck and the moment I moaned, it felt like a switch went off in his mind. He growled so loudly that for a moment, I thought he was going to rip my clothes off. His huge arms were wrapped so tightly around my waist that I was entirely at his mercy now. I hated myself for what I was doing with him right now but my mind was clouded by the lust I was feeling for him. How parched I was for his touch. For his lips, for his body, for his voice, and for the sounds of his kisses.

One of his hands left my waist and found his way to my breast. He squeezed my left boob hard and I immediately gasped. His tongue went inside my mouth and explored every inch of my mouth like a hungry beast. His finger caressed my erect nipple and soon I was fighting the urge to stand. My mind is on another level. I couldn't think of anything other than his lips on my nipples. I want him to do so much more. So much that I crave.

It's like he read my mind and instantly his hands went inside my shirt, which was once neatly tucked in my black trousers. He didn't waste any time and undid my bra with one hand. My hands were tightly holding onto his neck and shoulder for support. One of his arms is still grabbing my waist, while the other one is now inside my bra, grabbing my right boob.

My breathing hitched. Almost instantly, his lips connected with mine and his fingers started pulling on my nipple. His torture on my nipple went on for about a minute and he soon pulled my shirt entirely up and now both of my boobs were exposed to him. He looked at them and then at my probably red and shameful face. I am still struggling to breathe but this guy is not giving me even a second to rest. His lips instantly connected to my nipples and he started sucking on them without any mercy. My once-low moans turned to full-on cries while I jammed my fingers on his hard shoulders.

"Shaw—uh—plea—" I couldn't form any sentences, and it turns out it enraged him even more because, while still sucking on my nipple, his hand found its way inside my trousers. I don't know when and how he opened my trousers but I do know that his finger is rubbing my clit to the point that I am about to pee. Soon, he jammed two of his fingers inside me. My cries became louder and louder with thrust and all the while he was sucking on my right nipple. Once he was satisfied with the reactions he got from me, he took my nipple out of his mouth and touched my lips with his while both of us were still breathing heavily. His fingers are still inside me and I mean, inside me.

"Go to HR now and tell them what I did, okay?" He said while he jammed his fingers inside me hard as I yelped, not with pain but with immense pleasure. "Keep this in mind. I let you go once, but don't even think for a second that you are getting away from me now." He jammed his fingers again and finally pulled them out of me softly while still holding onto me. He kissed my cheeks while I was still trying to merely stand. He pulled my bra back, hooked it back, and dressed me properly. All this while I was breathing heavily and trying to get a hold of what just happened.

What does he mean by "he let me go once?" He left me, and I didn't break up with him.

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