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Mount Olympus, above the Empire State Building, Floor 600, New York, New York

Zeus pov

Zeus was mad that his son apollo had just called him and told his son Hephaestus that the best of them had been injured. Hephaestus was part of a prophecy said to them by the faiths he would become a hero and save the world. Although Zeus knew that his son would just shed his human skin and become Hephaestus since he was immortal he was still mad that some lowly mortal dared put a hand on his son. One of the princes of Olympus.   

Zeus saw his wife who was worried he didn't like that. The mortal that did this should be worried not his wife.

"Husband whoever did to our son needs to pay. Our boy is too nice to take revenge. We must make monsters or monsters that did suffer" Hera says.

"I agree my wife. I will smite the fool who dared to touch a god." Zeus's voice boomed.

"Get in line father in law first I will make the monster have a loveless life" his daughter in law aphrodite the wife of Hephaestus says.

Apollo continued to work his magic and in a few hours, his son's mortal form was healed. His son awoke. When his son saw his eyes widened.

"Father did I die," tony asked.

"No my son you didn't but the people who did this to you will," Zeus says. Suddenly Hermes came into the room.

"Father the fates have summoned us as well as hephy's mortal form," Hermes said as the gods made their way to the council room. When they arrived they all took place on their own throne. Tony sat next to aphrodite who rest her head on his shoulders.

The fates then appeared in front of them.

"You must be wondering why we have summoned you here. You shall watch the life of your son as a mortal. But before we proceed. We have some more guests" the fates said as light flashes were seen.

"Where are we" team ironman.

"Stark what did you do" Team cap not wanda.

"Why are in Olympus" the Norse gods.

"Vision" says wanda

"Hello the Avengers and Norse gods we are the faiths and you are here to watch your future, present and past. Shall we begin" says the fates.

"No I'm gonna kill stark for locking us up," Clint says as he aims an arrow but tony just waves his hand and it ignites in the fire. Shocking everyone. A scream is heard and 2 arrows are seen in both of Clint's arms sticking him against the wall. Team cap turned to see Artemis and apollo with bows in their hand.

"Try to attack our brother again and next time you will die mortal," the 2 said with rage.

"How dare you attack my son the god of forge and volcanoes" Zeus yelled thunderbolt in his hand.

"I curse you to a loveless life for attacking my husband," aphrodite says.

"You dare attack my baby boy I curse your marriage to fail," hera says.

"Clint" yelled Natasha as she rushed to him.

"Tony tell these people to back down now" yelled Roger before thor hit him with Mjolnir sending him flying into the wall.

"Watch your manners man of shield, those people you are referring to are gods. They are truly immortal and if what they are saying is true then stark is one of them." thor boomed with rage he could forgive disrespect to himself as they were his friends but the greek would destroy him and Midgard with ease.

"Thor stop boosting starks ego. He attacked steve because steve didn't agree with him" Natasha says making Tonys eyebrows raise.

"So that's the lie you said rogers. Can't even own up to your or the hydra assassin's mistakes. So you lie. Is that hope much you cared for Howard? Who you lied about? Perhaps saving all mortals isn't worth it. I think i will just offer sanctuary to the mortals i like" tony says.

"Friend man of iron, why are you sitting there with the greek gods" thor asked.

"He is my son Hephaestus's mortal form son of Odin, prince of thunder if you have a problem with it address me now" Zeus yells. Natasha behind to feel fear. She knew she fucked up. Now the gods will be after her all because of her red room instinct to join the stringer person even if it meant betraying the family. She chose steve since she thought he was physically superior but tony is immortal and one of the princes of Olympus. She would have to manipulate tony or the other gods.

"I have no problems king Zeus" thor says.

"Why are we here" Loki asked which Odin agreed with.

"That's what we would like to know the fates summoned us here and you gods and insects as well," says Zeus. As everyone looks at the fates.

"We are here to watch the lives of the avengers. And your son Tony stark. You will be watching their futures, past and present it will be easier if you address him as tony" says the fates as everyone agrees.

"So tony's family will see how evil he is. Selling weapons to terrorists, creating Ultron, and working with ross" steve sneered.

"What!!!" bruce yelled hulking up and rushing at tony only for ares to stop the punch and throw him back.

"Stop!!!" Wanda yells as red magic surrounded her stopping both hulk from re-engaging. she then turned to Steve and gave him a glare of rage.

"I know everything you did and so will everyone else I read your mind tony never agreed with ross he agreed with the people who we hurt. I know what happened in Siberia and so will everyone else" Wanda yells.

"How dare how can you protect after what Ultron did to Pietro, after what he did to your family. You should be protecting bucky I mean our family the avengers." yells steve.

"Ultron was a combination of myself, tony and the coward bruce I'm done running away and the weapons were stane. Vision showed me. You used me to protect him. You only care for bucky that's the reason the avengers broke" Wanda yells.

"Wanda that's steve he's always right. Are you seriously going with stark" clint says?

"Oh shut up you, your just a follower a dog that's loyal. You can never think for yourself. You say you are innocent maybe of the people you killed in the invasion but we all know that clint barton and Natasha Romanoff are far from innocent you murdered and killed for shield. I mean a woman that says she's trying to clean her ledger from kgb but cant the tell difference between shieldra and kgb could never right her wrongs." Wanda says.

"Now then calm down. Wanda is right. dr banner tony was not helping ross fact he has evidence thanks to raft to arrest him for violation of human rights." the fates say as hulk transforms back and tries to apologize.

"Not pretend banner. You chose your side. You chose to believe one person without the full story so no I won't forgive you are a coward who ran after Ultron. You are just a wild beast." tony says hurt as aphrodite hugged him while she and the other gods glared at banners. Banner tried to speak but was interrupted.

"Anyways now let's begin we will be watching the truth first and that is Siberia." fates said as steve and bucky paled.

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