the snap.

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"So peter do you like someone," aphrodite asked quietly making peter blush and take a glance at wanda. Aphrodite had a teasing smile when she saw this.

"Oh ho what's this? So you do." aphrodite says.

"Mrs stark please stop," peter says pouting making the goddess coo at him.

"Can we continue and kid stop being distracting" rogers says as he quickly jumps behind bucky when all the goddesses and tony glare at him.

"Rogers how about you die like you were meant to," Natasha said with rage to which wanda nodded.

"Nat, come on the kid is keeping us near stark," Clint says.

"Quiet yourself mortal. You should be honored to be near my son. You lesser life form" hera said.

"Hey you might be a god but show us respect we are the avenger's earth mightiest heroes," sam says.

"First I'm a goddess stop discriminating against women and second of all, I will show respect to the true avengers who supported my son the only one worthy to lead as it is his birthright as a prince, and the fact he is the most intelligent, some pity project has no right to lead," Hera says.

"How dare you that is Captain America the hero of world war 2," Sam says.

"An insignificant mongrel like you dares to talk to my mother that way. You dare call him a war hero in front of me the god of war ares. It was Howard stark who ended the ww2 with the nuke all captain America did was fail to take down hydra. After all, if he did take down hydra there wouldn't have been an infiltration in shield. Rogers had failed in everything he has done. Let's see what brother has accomplished. He beat Obadiah stane who sold his weapon illegally. he beat Ivan Vanko someone who stole my brother's tech and almost killed thousands with it. He beat Adrian Killian a man who had superior enhancements to steve rogers. He saved the world from a nuke from Peggy Carter's organization shieldra. He created a vision that saved the world from Ultron. He sent Captain America into hiding. So in conclusion my brother is better than you." ares says.

"I am better than tony. He is selfish" steve yelled. Making all of the gods, team ironman, and team thor + family as well as Natasha laugh at him.

"A mortal better than hephy, this boy is delusional," Artemis says unable to hold back laughter.

"I know right I can't wait till the man's death I'm gonna torture him for his afterlife," Hades says while laughing.

"You will do no such thi..." steve was cut off.

"Ok, the next scene is the reason I have brought you here to see and stop. The snap. This happens when a titan by the name of Thanos (Loki and Odin wince) gets all 6 infinity stones with it he can dust half of all life in the universe" the fates say.7

"Please I'm sure I can stop him," Rogers says.

"Yeah caps the best. The greatest of all time he will never lose I bet we lost because of stark." sam says.

"I swear stark if something happened to my children because of this I will teach why bow and arrow are better than your suits." clint says making the gods laugh.

"He really is a clown." ares says.

"I heard he escaped the circus." says apollo.

"You're not wrong in his shield file nick fury found him in a circus he's a joker you don't take what the lunatic says seriously can't believe some married him though, I mean of the OG 6 avengers he's like the side character. Nobody knows him as himself. They know him as black widows friend or the pilot steve rogers needed" tony said laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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