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"now now I believe showing Starks evil at this level in front of his family should be avoided," Rogers says nervously.

"Steve is so kind. See that stark." Sam glared.

"shut up stop bullying Mr stark," Peter says.

"Stay out of it kid. I am an avenger, you are some kid who got lucky" Sam says possing of tony and aphrodite.

"The hell you say to the kid, Falcon! At least the kid didn't need to steal to become a hero. you respect Captain Liar but it's my tech that is the reason why you're a hero." Tony says.

"Stark show some respect to sam he is in the army you are a man-child playing hero" Rogers yelled as team cap chuckled (not wanda she was tricked by clint.)

"Funny that your talking rogers since one of the 2 men betrayed made you. You are not a soldier you are just a weak ugly lab rat who got lucky to survive an experiment. We Olympian gods can see your soul your true beauty and god you are ugly." Tony says as he watched with pleasure as steve remembered how weak and ugly he truly was.

"You do not deserve your serum. You claim to hate bullies yet you support that stupid sidekick of yours bullying the poor kid" Aphrodite says as she grabbed her fan and orange light hit steve and the effects of the serum were removed.

"Steve" widow yelled as she rushed to where sam has just caught him for falling.

"Cap you bitch give him back his powers" Sam yelled as Tony got up.

"What the fuck did you call my wife? You damn insect." Tony roared out in rage. As a stream of fire rushed at the poor guy burning his entire being. Tony left near death. Clint and Scott tried to attack tony but tony just fried their suits and weapons with a mere thought.

"Did idiots like you really try to use technology and weapons against me Hephaestus" Tony demanded. T'challa looked at the people he swore to help with a face that showed he lost faith in humanity.

"Sam!" nat yelled as she looked in fear at tony.

"Tony you need to stop steve needs to keep you in check remember Ultron," nat says.

"Tony Hmmm? Not Stark anymore. Hahahaha you think that the biggest fluke in the universe has the right to look down or keep me a god in check? I should keep all of you in check after all that is Team Cap other than the criminals of the avengers all under one banner wanting unlimited power? Remind you of something else I give you a few minutes. Oh, you haven't figured it out. Hydra. Redskull another super soldier created by the hydra Doctors' serum also wanted unlimited power and thought he knew what was best. You see Rogers you are no different from red skull both of you think you are superior to normal men. Don't try to dispute that fact since remembering our first meeting you were judging me for no reason. You haven't even met me.

But moving on let's have a look at the female honey pott who didn't even notice the similarities between the red room and who she thought was the good guy's shield. After all assassinations, and stealing money from rich people no good organization would do that, lets not forget how people lost their jobs and turned to a life of crime because of her. Clint barton the clown turned archer who has killed so many people children included how can he sleep at night having so kids knowing he has killed thousands more? The Winter Soldier excluded his kills for hydra and the war. Didn't he kill innocent officers who were doing their jobs to bring him not to forget the people he killed when he helped smash the bridge?

Who's next I know the man child Scott lang. you have the audacity to judge me after not even knowing who I am. Well, let me judge you. You are a criminal way before joining Team Cao after all you had been stealing money. Do you think you have the right to look down on people just because they made money? I wonder how your daughter will react knowing her father was a criminal. No wonder your first wife moved on and you are together with Pym's Daughter she has probably inherited stupid from her father. My father taking Pym particles is what he claims but news flash idiot if he did then why hasn't stark industries reproduced the old idiot never patented it fearing SHIELD would get thier hands on it somehow.

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