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'y/n?' armin's soft voice echoed from outside your room.
'are you ready?'

'yep one second!' after applying one more spritz of perfume you opened the door.

armin stared at you in shock.

'you look beautiful y/n.' he said, his eyes wide open in amazement.

'oh come on armin! why are you being so formal?' you chucked, linking your arm with him.
'thank you though. you're not looking too bad yourself.'

armin had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. you had been neighbours living in shinganshina and became friends with eren and mikasa at a young age. the four of you were inseparable as a group, but armin was still who you felt the most comfortable around, as you had known him the longest.

'shall we go then?' he asked, trying to hide his blushing cheeks.

'of course!' you smiled, and the two of you began to make your way downstairs to the hall - where the party was to begin.


as you walked into the hall your mouth almost fell open in shock. everyone looked stunning.

'hange, you look amazing!' you exclaimed, hugging her.

'no, you look gorgeous!' she grinned widely, winking at you.

jean already seemed a little drunk and sasha and conny were supporting him on either side.

'ALREADY?' you exclaimed.

'tell me about it.' conny groaned, while sasha shook her head.

'you guys are too protective, i'm fine!' jean shouted, slightly slurring his words. he pushed their arms off him.

'fine but slow down!' conny yelled.

'i'm going to get some food.' sasha rolled her eyes and hopped over to the snacks table.

'well anyways, it was a brilliant idea to have this party. i think it will give everyone a chance to have a break after all the training we've been doing and titans we've been fighting.' mikasa said.

everyone nodded in agreement.

'where's eren?' you asked, peering through the crowd of people dancing.
he was the only one in your friend group who hadn't arrived yet.

'he should be here any minute now!' mikasa said, also trying to look through all of the scouts who were drinking, chatting and dancing.

just as she said this, a tall figure with a half-bun appeared from within the crowd of people. it was eren, and he was looking drop-dead gorgeous in his suit.

'hey guys.' he grinned, his arm snaking around mikasa's waist.

her cheeks instantly grew a shade of pink and she gently removed his arm.

everyone snickered as eren pouted and crossed his arms.

but you found yourself still peeking through the crowd of people around you, looking for the person you were really waiting for.

captain levi.

you had had a crush on levi since the first day you laid your eyes on him as he was coming back from a mission with the survey corps. of course, you were a kid back then so it was mainly admiration for his strength and bravery. but it didn't take you long to realise how fucking hot he was.

armin noticed your attention was away from your friends as they chatted and he put his arm around you.

'what's wrong, y/n?'

'oh nothing!' you looked back at him and smiled.

nobody knew about your secret crush on levi, and you weren't about to let anyone find out.

'where's shortie at though?' hange seemed to have read your mind.

'looking for me, four-eyes?'

the sound of his voice instantly gave you butterflies.

'captain levi!' everyone exclaimed.

he was looking even hotter than usual, in a tight white button-up shirt, revealing his chiseled chest.

'i wasn't sure whether you were going to come captain! this doesn't really seem like your kinda thing.' eren chuckled.

levi scowled at him.

'tch you're right, i don't particularly want to be here. but four-eyes kept pestering me and somehow convinved me.'

'i knew you would come!' hange grinned and put her arm around him, which levi promptly pushed off.

it was then that sasha returned, looking very happy with a chicken drumstick in her hand and sauce around her mouth.

'sasha! what would your boyfriend say if he sees you with sauce all over your mouth when you're wearing such a pretty dress?' conny tutted, wiping the corners of her mouth with his hand.

sasha blushed.
'he's not my boyfriend! niccolo said he can't come anyways, he's too busy with the restaurant.'

'wow, he can't even make time to take you as a date to this party?' conny frowned.

'shut up! who's your date then, huh?' sasha humphed, finishing her chicken and throwing the bone into a nearby bone.

conny went red but before he could say anything eren spoke:
'right guys, shall we play a game?'

'sounds like a good idea! how about truths and if you don't want to answer you have to take a shot?' jean suggested, still slightly slurring his words.


'mikasa, who do you have a crush on?!' sasha exclaimed.

she took a shot and everyone rolled their eyes.

'mikasa babes we already know who you like, there was no need for that.' hange patted her shoulder.

'what do you mean?' she frowned, tugging at her scarf.

'nevermind!! hmm okay it's y/n's time!' jean yelled, looking slightly cross that she didn't say his name.

'okay y/n, who do you have a crush on?' hange asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

uh oh.
there was no way you were answering this, in front of practically everyone, including the captain himself!

without wasting a second you downed your prepared shot of vodka, grimacing at the taste.

'hold on y/n, wasn't that a bit too fast? why are you so defensive huh? you must really like someone huh?' eren pried, eyeing you suspiciously.

'yeah yeah who is it?' mikasa asked curiously.

now everyone was looking at you, eagerly awaiting a response - including levi himself, who didn't particularly look like he wanted to be there.

'now now guys! i took a shot it's not fair if i have to answer.'

'so you do like someone then?' jean smirked.

you rolled your eyes.

'okay guys let's leave it. shall we play a different game?' hange suggested.

you mouthed a thank you.

but to your dismay the next game jean suggested was spin the bottle. this could only go one of two ways for you...

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