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you gulped as you grabbed the bottle and span it with your hand.

you wished it would land on levi, but at the same time you knew it would be horrendously awkward. there was no way he felt the same about you, even though people often called you 'levi's favourite scout'.
that was only because you both shared a liking for cleanliness, and you would often stay behind for extra hours after training to help him clean. of course, secretly you were doing it because you enjoyed spending time with him, but thankfully nobody seemed to have noticed.
they all thought you were weird for being around that 'grumpy old man' so much, but never suspected that you liked him.

you knew that levi would never like you romantically, he just appreciated your extra help and had grown slightly comfortable around you due to the extra time you had spent together.

you glanced nervously at levi as the bottle continued to spin.

it was then that he announced
'i'm not partaking in this silly game.' before shaking his head and leaving.

you felt gutted and couldn't help but wonder; what if he left because he hated the thought of kissing you?

oh well. you were just going to have to kiss whoever it landed on.
you prayed it wasn't eren - as hot as eren was, you didn't want to be murdered by mikasa.

you were starting to feel a bit tipsy now and the bottle seemed to spin forever as you stared at it.

to your surprise, the bottle came to a stop in front of the person next to you - your bestie armin. you weren't sure how to feel about this. of course, armin was very good looking (especially after he cut his hair). but he was your friend! you hoped this wasn't going to make anything weird.

'go on then!' jean whooped.

you made eye contact with armin, who was bright red.

as you stared at him, his face seemed to move from side and side and the voices around you blurred together into the background.
you could tell you were a bit drunk, and some of the others seemed to be too. but armin wasn't. he looked extremely sober (not that you could tell) and fiddled with his fingers nervously.

'armin?' you said softly, gently touching his chin and lifting his head up to look at you.
'you don't have to if you don't want to.'
by now your eyes were on armin's soft pink lips.

'no. i want to.' to everyone's surprise he responded firmly, despite his obvious nervousness.

conny wolf-whistled and sasha clapped excitedly. everybody was chanting for you to kiss now. in fact, a lot of people had shipped you and armin ever since you became cadets, because you were always together. of course, you were nothing more than friends, but they liked to tease you.

you giggled.
on the inside, you were sad because you knew the person you liked would never like you back.
the alcohol also seemed to be making you feel a bit careless. right now, you wanted to kiss armin and forget about levi. it was just a bit of fun anyways, right?

armin grabbed a nearby shot glass full of vodka and downed it.
he then grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, so your faces were only an inch apart.

to your shock, you felt butterflies in your stomach. armin had always been a very kind, sweet and calm person. you have never seen this side of him before.

before you could say anything, you felt his lips on yours.

you heard cheers all around you, and glanced around. in the corner of your eye you spotted levi, who was standing away from the group near erwin, a bottle of beer in his hand. he was glaring at the two of you with the same stoic expression on his face he always had.

you closed your eyes and blocked all the noise out, kissing armin back. you put your arms around his neck as your lips moved against his.

you then felt his tongue enter your mouth, and your tongues danced together. you could taste the vodka he had just drank but strangely it tasted sweet, and you wanted to taste more of it.

you couldn't believe the sudden lust that had taken over you as you made out with your best friend. but you didn't care - it felt exhilarating.

'woah aren't they getting a bit too heated?' eren exclaimed.

armin pulled away from you and you both stared at each other, breathless.
everyone around you was a blur and you only knew one thing - you wanted more.

you grabbed armin's hand and pulled him up.

'let's go.' you mouthed, giggling.

armin didn't hesitate for even a second, and the two of you ran out of the hall - hand in hand - and upstairs, towards your room.

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