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'captain levi? what brings you here?' you stuttered, trying to act normal.

'well i needed some help cleaning the hall after the party last night. but you seem a little...occupied?' he said, monotonously.

'n-no of course not! i'll be there right away.' he you smiled nonchalantly.

he tried to peer into your room but you tried to block his view as best you could. your clothes from last night were still on the floor, as well as armin's suit jacket.

'i swear i heard another voice in here?' he said suspiciously, narrowing his eyes.

'you must be hearing things captain!' you chuckled.

levi stepped closer to you.
'are you lying to me right now, l/n?'

you felt your heartbeat race as he called you by your last name. of course, he did that to most of the survey corps in positions inferior to him. but for some reason you found it incredibly hot and intimidating.

'in fact if i remember correctly didn't you rush off with arlert last night? i wouldn't be surprised to find him here.' he scoffed.

's-sir! whatever do you mean by that?' you laughed nervously.
'he's my closest friend so we are often together.'

'you seemed like a lot more than friends last night.' he muttered.

levi seemed to be more interested in your love life than you expected. you couldn't help but raise your hopes by the tiniest bit.

but before you could deny the captain's suspicions, armin opened the bathroom door and came out to greet levi like it was the most normal thing to do in the world.

'oh captain! good morning.' he grinned, putting his arm around your shoulder.

even levi looked a bit taken aback.

you glared at armin and pushed his arm off.

'captain! it really isn't what it looks like he just came over now to discuss something and-'

'tch i couldn't care less. but be downstairs in five.' and with that levi left.

great. now even the 1% chance you had with levi was gone.

you sighed in frustration, but then you realised armin wasn't by your side.

you turned around to see him grabbing his jacket.

'armin? where are you going?'

'where do you think?' he looked hurt and the pained expression on his face suddenly made you feel guilty.

'armin, stop.' you sighed.
'look i didn't mean to hurt you but i just didn't want captain levi to get the wrong idea and-'

'the wrong idea? so i can't even be in your room?' he raised his voice slightly and looked angry now. you had never seen armin angry before.

'armin why are you overreacting? you know what i mean.' you were also starting to lose your temper.

'my feelings are an overreaction now!? i've had it with you y/n. why would you have sex with me and give me mixed signals when you had no romantic intentions towards me at all?!' armin yelled at you, standing only an inch away from you.

you had your back pressed against the door as you widened your eyes in shock. you were lost for words and were frankly slightly scared - you had never seen armin like this before.
'i'm sorry.' you said quietly, staring at the floor.

'no i'm sorry y/n.' armin moved away from you and sat on your bed, looking ashamed.
'i had no right to yell at you like that. i am really sorry.' he sighed heavily, putting his head in his hands.
'maybe we need some space.'

you felt your eyes fill up with tears but you held them back.
'armin please. this is exactly what i don't want to happen.'
you walked towards him but he stood up and walked swiftly back to the door, reaching for the handle.

'armin please. if you leave now...'

'i'm sorry y/n.'
and with that he was gone.


things were a complete mess.
it had been half an hour since armin left and you still hadn't left your room.

even though you didn't feel for armin romantically, he was literally your platonic soulmate - well, i guess platonic wasn't the right word to use anymore.

you had never gotten into a fight ever, in your over ten years of friendship.

you were confused and didn't know what to do or how you felt anymore.

maybe you were better off dating armin? you were definitely sexually attracted to him now, and it wouldn't be hard for you to become romantically attracted too, when you knew him so well and loved his personality.

but at the same time, was this just a rash decision you were making because you wanted to save your relationship?

you had no clue.

the worst part was you had completely ignored levi's request for you to help him clean, and it was breakfast time now.

how could you face either of them now?
how could you face anyone?


as you walked consciously down to the breakfast hall, you could feel everyone's eyes on you. it felt like everyone was whispering about you and armin.

clearly, your suspicions weren't wrong, as floch said
'how was last night?' with a wink, as he passed you in the corridor.

'shut up floch.' you scowled, ignoring him.

you took a deep breath before entering the hall.

you immediately spotted levi sitting in the corner of the hall with the other commanders.
you really didn't know how you could apologise to him so wanted to avoid him for now.

you scanned the hall for armin but he was nowhere to be seen. eren, mikasa, conny, sasha and jean were sat together at your usual table, but there were three empty seats where you, armin and hange usually sat. you weren't surprised about armin skipping breakfast, but you wondered where hange was.

just then, a friendly spectacled face popped up next to you as hange grabbed your arm excitedly.
'well? how was it?' she exclaimed, her eyes glinting.

you sighed.
'i don't know.'

hange's smile disappeared.
'you...don't know? i mean was it good or bad?'

'me and armin just had a fight.'

'it was that bad!?'

you rolled your eyes at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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