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sunlight streaming through your curtains woke you up.
you rubbed your eyes, blinking sleepily.
then it hit you.

you had slept with armin last night.

speaking of armin, you looked to your side, but there was no one lying beside you. it was then that you realised you could hear the sound of the shower running faintly in the background.

you couldn't believe what had happened. you hoped armin would agree to forget about it and go back to how you were before; although you knew it would be hard to forget about a night like that.

you blushed and covered your face with the duvet in embarrassment, scenes from last night replaying in your head.

you heard the bathroom door open.


you peeked above the duvet covers to see armin, who was drying his wet hair with a small towel, a bigger towel wrapped around his torso.

you couldn't lie, he looked extremely hot and you couldn't take your eyes off his defined abs and toned arms, especially when you recalled how you had touched them last night.

'morning.' you said, chuckling awkwardly and trying to avoid eye contact.

' you want me to leave you some privacy to get dressed?' he asked, continuing to rub his hair with the towel.

'yeah that would be great.' you lay still under the covers, not daring to move. you were very conscious of your completely naked body underneath - and clearly had lost all the confidence you had last night.

'okay um i'll face the wall and you can go into the bathroom?'

you nodded, as armin walked to the corner of your room and faced the wall.

you were still hesitant to get up.

'i won't look i promise.' he said seriously.

you trusted armin and also had no other choice, so you lifted up the covers, grabbed your survey corps uniform from your drawer and raced into the bathroom as fast as you could.

after you had changed you knocked on the bathroom door.

'armin?' you called softly.
'are you changed too now?'

'yep you can come out!' he replied.

you opened the door to see armin standing awkwardly in his shirt and trousers from the party last night.

'i'm gonna have to go and change into my uniform in my room.' he mumbled, blushing.

'yeah yeah, that's fine.' you both stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

you sighed.

'armin i don't want things to be awkward between us now.'

he looked up at you.

'can we just forget about last night and go back to how we were?' you requested hopefully.
'although i have no idea how we're going to deal with everyone else god the rumours are going to be terrible-'

'but what if i don't want to forget?' armin muttered, cutting you off mid-sentence. he spoke so quietly you could only just about make out what he said.

'wait...what?' you asked in shock.

'don't you get it y/n?' he said frustratedly.
'i like you! i always have.'

you couldn't believe what he was saying.

'armin...what?' you walked towards him and tried to hold his hand but he pulled away.

'i've been in love with you for almost ten years now. and you have no idea how painful it has been pretending to be okay with just being best friends with you.' he said, a solemn expression on his face.

armin's words hit you like a slap on the face.

'oh my god armin i am so so sorry. i had no idea you felt like that and i am so dumb for not noticing for so long.' you shook your head in frustration.

suddenly, armin grabbed your hand and stood close to you.
'please y/n, would you just give me a chance? i know you like captain levi but-'

you almost doubled over in shock.

'what did you just say?' you looked at him in amazement.
'you knew?'

'i've seen the way you look at him. and every time i wished it was me you were looking at like that.'

you didn't know how to respond anymore. your best friend - who you had just lost your virginity to - not only just confessed that he had been in love with you for almost a decade, but also that he had known who your crush was this whole time?

'armin...i don't know what to say to you. i really do care about you and i couldn't do without you, but yes you're right i have feelings for captain levi and i don't think they can just disappear overnight and-'

you were interrupted by a knock on your door.

both of your eyes widened.

'HIDE!' you mouthed frantically.
'just a second!' you called to whoever was at the door.

armin leapt into the bathroom and shut the door, just as you unlocked your door and slowly opened it.

to your surprise, captain levi stood there, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised as he glared at you.

oh god.
things were going from bad to worse.

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