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*this chapter contains smut, read with discretion*

you and armin were roughly making out in your bedroom now, your hands moving all over each other's bodies.

'are you...sure...about this?' you asked breathlessly in between kisses.

'i've never been surer.' armin gasped, before crashing his lips back onto yours.

you began to unbutton his shirt and pulled it off, revealing his toned abs. you threw it onto the floor on top of his blazer, which he had already removed the moment the two of you had entered your room.

you touched his abs as you kissed him, his hands reaching for the zipper of your dress. as he pulled the zipper down your dress fell to ground, revealing your matching lacy underwear.

'you...look...beautiful.' he said, taking a moment to admire your figure.

you couldn't help but blush. you had always been self-conscious of your body, even though there wasn't anything wrong with it. even when you were intensely making out and undressing each other, armin couldn't fail to make you feel special. he really was the sweetest person you knew.

'gosh i love you armin.' you smiled as you pulled him back to kiss him again.

you felt his lips stop moving for a second.
'what's wrong?' you whispered.

'oh- nothing.'

armin lifted you up so you were straddling him, and pushed you against the wall.

he pulled your bra down and sucked on your nipple, making you moan.

you grinded against him, already desperate to remove your underwear.

'i- thought you were a virgin.' you mumbled between moans, reaching for the bulge in his pants.

'i thought you were a virgin?' he whispered back, carrying over to your bed.

you unclipped your bra and pulled off your pants as you watched armin unbuckle his belt and remove both his trousers and his underwear.

sitting up on your knees, you put his hardened length in your mouth and moved backwards and forwards.

armin moaned, throwing his head back and stroking your hair.

'are you're a virgin?' he moaned.

you removed your mouth from his length to laugh but before you could continue he threw you back onto the bed.

'my turn.' he smirked, bringing his face down to your entrance.

his tongue flicked against your clit and you arched your back in pleasure.

you gripped his hair with one hand and squeezed your boob with the other. you were a moaning mess as he continued to eat you out.

' are you so good at this?'

he lifted his head up and shrugged nonchalantly, licking his lips.

'you're so wet.' he said, teasingly touching the rim of your entrance.

'do you have a condom?' you asked, rubbing your clit to satisfy your aching core.

'i think so actually.' blushing, he pulled one out of his jeans pocket, opened it and put it onto his hard cock.

'so you came prepared?' you smirked.

he positioned himself, and you felt him enter.

you winced in pain, adjusting to his length.

'are you okay?' he suddenly asked in a concerned tone.

you nodded, pulling his upper body down towards you and kissing him on the neck to reassure him.

he began to thrust into you, and he gripped your hand tightly as the two of you exchanged body heat.

only the sounds of your moans and your skin slapping against each other could be heard in your room - hopefully it was soundproof. luckily the bed wasn't creaking.

'y/n- i think i'm close.' he groaned into your ear.


he pulled out of you as you both climaxed.

you lay next to each other on the bed; panting and sweaty.

'what was that?' you gasped for air.

'it was amazing.' armin said, turning around to look at you while still breathing heavily.

'hell yeah it was.' you mumbled.

you had sobered up by now, but were also exhausted. you felt your eyelids droop.

'y/n?' armin called your name quietly.

'mmm?' you responded sleepily, closing your eyes.

'did you...did you mean it when you said you loved me?' he whispered meekly.

'of course i did, you're my best friend...' your voice trailed off as you fell into a deep slumber.

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