Author's Note

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Hello everyone! Ana here. I'm super excited to publish this book and have you guys read it too. The storyline popped into my head in may and when I started it, I didn't really have a specific direction I wanted it to go in. But Bee spoke to me and wouldn't let go until I wrote her story. 

Thank you for giving The End a chance and I hope you enjoy reading about Bee Samuels. Please do not be a silent reader. If you like what you're reading I'd really appreciate it if you vote for each chapter, this would really help the book gain visibility. I would also love to hear from you! Tell me what you think in the comment sections.

Beautiful cover made by the wonderful @Suzidebeer. Thank you so much!

The illustration was done by @artvitalia. Check her out on instagram guys, she's got some really beautiful art drawn up on her wall.


THE ENDWhere stories live. Discover now