Chapter 22

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"Each time you happen to me all over again."

           -Edith Wharton.

That night the camp buzzes with nervous energy, people moving to and fro, some packing up the camp, and others guarding the perimeter. If any danger presents itself, an alarm will be sounded to alert everyone.

I walk out of the camp back to the spot our group stopped in earlier today, needing to be alone. Needing to learn how to better harness and manipulate the energy flowing through me, the elements that now come to me as easily as breathing. I need to be at my very best tomorrow, the battle can make or break our mission.

I turn to face the camp as I sit on an empty stretch of land. Tiny oil lamps moving about, and softly glowing in the distance is the only indication of life.

I take a deep breath in, and softly exhale.

I close my eyes as I settle into a crossed leg position with my hands holding my thighs firmly. I close my eyes and just breathe.

My senses come alive immediately. I can hear footsteps of the people moving around in the camp, and the soft voices of those having a conversation, the hope in their voices, their laughter.

I breathe.

Suddenly the air electrifies, the fine hairs on my body rising up as goosebumps erupt over my body. I shiver. Before I even open my eyes, I know what's different.

Thanatos is here.

"You destroyed one of my camps, you killed my people." His deep voice is tinged with disbelief, anger, and something that sounds a lot like admiration.

I open my eyes to see him standing right in front of me. It's too dark to see clearly but his eyes glow a molten fire as he hunches down in front of me.

"You're The One."
"Your people?" I ask. "Whenever you talk about the Leviathans, you do so with possessive pronouns, my compound, my camp, my people. Are you in a position of authority with the Leviathans?"

He regards me quietly and I wonder if he can hear my heart beat pounding so loudly, or maybe he can see the pulse point jumping in my neck.

Don't think about last night. Don't think about last night. It was just a moment of weakness, that's all.

"And what if I am? Will that stop you from attacking the next camp?" He finally answers.

"If your people release all humans held against their wills, and if the highest authority in your compound signs a peace contract not to hurt or kidnap more humans, I will think about not attacking another camp."

He tilts his head to the left, eyes roaming my face. "What is it to you? Why can't you leave the humans to their fate and join me?"
"Because they are my people. That's why."

He scoffs. "Your people?"

I can't take how close he is anymore so I stand up, hoping he doesn't notice how nervous I am as I shift away from him.

"Yes, my people. My father, my sister, my friends, they are all humans. My mother was human, but one of your people cut her life short."

He stands up slowly, the movement fluid. "That wasn't supposed to happen. Lyshia's mission was to retrieve you, not kill anyone, she got too excited. She will be punished if you so wish."

"Punished? Punished!" I let out a dry laugh. "I want her dead."

"And she will be." His voice is like liquid honey. "She will be dead, if you join us."

I laugh again. "No Thanatos, there will be no joining you. You are right about one thing though. She's going to die. I'm going to extinguish her life myself, just like she did to my mother." I fist my hands. Vines flutter off the ground and climb up my body slowly, like a blanket. I lean into them sighing at the comfort they bring.

Thanatos' eyes flicker down to watch the vines climb my body. When his eyes meet mine again, they smoulder. The warmth surrounds me and I wonder if he can singe people with just his eyes.

"You mistake me Vocquera. That was not a request. You will join the Leviathans, as my queen. Mine."
In a blink he's in front of me, hands sinking into my hair. He uses his grip on my head to yank me into him. My heart is in overdrive as I raise my hands to his chest, expecting him to swoop in and kiss me, but he doesn't.

He leans his face against mine, running his nose down the side of my cheek. His chest expands beneath my hand as he takes a deep breath, breathing me in like he did last night. And suddenly I can smell him too. He's in my lungs, in every breath I take. I'm dizzy with it.

A tremor goes down my spine and it's like that causes a chain reaction because my entire body starts trembling.

He murmurs my name. Tells me I smell good.

Then he raises his head a little bit and kisses one corner of my mouth. My body tightens and he eases back, and looks at me, giving me a searing look.

"I can't breathe." I whisper.

"I don't want you to breathe."

My head feels so heavy and my brain is mush. I tip my head back to ease the heaviness.

His eyes gleam as he ducks his head again and places a second kiss to the other corner of my mouth. My head is spinning from sensory overload. All I can see is him, all I can smell is him, all I can feel is him, his heat surrounding me, his hands firmly in my hair, cradling my skull.

He smoulders at me, molten eyes hooded and I remain dazed, struggling to keep my lungs working.

The air between our bodies is so hot, it feels like fire, the places his body touches mine, singes me. He bends his head again and takes my lips fully this time. His lips are hot, demanding.

I burst up in flames and he pulls me even closer as his tongue delves in and strokes mine, dominating, tasting. A rush of sensations flow through me, and when he angles his head, kissing me more thoroughly, my lips part wider in invitation. He makes a rumbling noise as the kiss escalates.

The noise vibrates from his chest to mine and it's like a splash of cold water.

What am I doing?

I don't mean to blast him, I just want to push him away so I can breathe for a minute. So I can think. Blue light explodes from my hands and his body engulfs in flames as he sails through the air.

He crashes a few feet away and rolls around on the ground to take out the fire.

My breaths come out in heaves and I'm panting as he slowly rises to his feet. I can't see the condition he's in but the stench of burnt flesh emanates from him.

"You shouldn't have done that." I say and I almost don't recognize my voice. It's scratchy, hoarse, and comes out so low. I clear my throat.

"It was worth it." He replies and I don't need to see his face to know he's smirking. "See you around."

Then he's gone.

I exhale as my legs give out on me and I collapse on the floor. What have I done?

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